Admin Columns Pro - Advanced Custom Fields Addon 3.0.4

Download Admin Columns Pro - Advanced Custom Fields Addon 3.0.4 from nulled fire. The popular plugin Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) allows you to manage your custom fields
Improved: Inline Edit now checks ACF validation before save
Improved: Sort ACF4 Date picker field based on it's value
Improved: Allow 0 as min and max values for numeric fields editing
Dependency: Requires Admin Columns Pro 4.2.4
* [Fixed] ACF date formatter works again for non ACF date formats
* [Fixed] ACF column for Taxonomies was not working
* [Improved] We now action `ac/column_types` to register ACF Columns
* [Improved] Enabled Export for ACF Repeater field
[Improved] Empty filtering options for Image, File and oEmbed field
[Improved] Choose your own Time format for Time field
[Important] Only compatible with Admin Columns Pro 4.2 and higher