Ajax Search Pro - Live WordPress Search & Filter Plugin 4.26.15

Download Ajax Search Pro - Live WordPress Search & Filter Plugin 4.26.15 from nulled fire. Ajax search pro is the best live search engine plugin for WordPress.
2017.02.21 – 4.10.2 – Minor 'hotfix' release
  • Attachment search by ID
  • Theme Loader fix
  • Limit modifier variable introduced (as argument)
  • Results width caclulation bug fixed
  • More results action URL and counter fix
  • Content image parser now correctly gets the first found image instead of second
  • Multi-select filter scroll issue fix
- Pagination can be displayed on both top and bottom of isotopic layout
- Posts per page argument for search override
- The plugin shortcode now works as a menu item (place into the menu title field)
- WooCommerce built in ordering and filtering is now respected on search override
- User search: excluding/including users is now possible
- Visibility Detection option: when enabled the plugin tries to detect if it's visisble, if not, closes the results and settings
- asp_it_args filter to allow hooking to index table args
- The index table is now capable of indexing IFRAME contents
- The content context length is now adjustable
- New JS API functions: ASP.api(id, 'searchRedirect', phrase) and ASP.api(id, 'exists')
- Date selectors now support format change
- Trigger and redirect options merged into a more simple one
- Custom field type options now include a search box to select a custom field, instead of listing all
- Term results now correctly display term content if present
- Compact mode scroll propagation prevention for vertical and horizontal layouts
- Optional WP_Session was fully removed, a better, cookie method is used
- Higher priority for exact matching titles on Index table engine
- The page ID is passed during search in the _page_id argument
- Cache now deletes correctly when search options change
- Some data moved to the footer for better compatibility
- WooCommerce product visibility is now respected
- WooCommerce product variation content is now correctly parsed
- Attachment results now respect custom field filters
- Polaroid layout now more flexible in height
- A width calculation for hovering results, now properly calculates margin, border and padding as well
- z-index values lowered to 1 on most elements
- Content image parser now correctly gets the first found image instead of second
- Multi-select filter scroll issue fix
- Mobile double-tap issue fix
- Mobile keyboard now properly hides when the virtual keyboard search icon is triggered
- Top and Latest search phrases widget now respects redirection and override
- RequireJS and NodeJS script loaders disabled, the plugin does not use them
- Excerpt translation with qTranslatex
- Checkbox visual bugs from adjacent selectors
- max_input_vars php.ini variable detection and alternate saving method
- Try these keywords visibility fix on static plugin layout
- A trigger fix when only custom field search is enabled
- BuddyPress activity: post processing fix
- User search: role and custom field conflict fix
- min-width attribute on input field for old Android browsers
- Multisite YOAST Seo conflict when saving the SEO fields
- The autocomplete=off attribute added to form to prevent webkit prefill bugs
- Date to filter value fixed
- Double override execution fix
- Flash of Unstyled content fix for async CSS loader
- Override URLs for Genesis Framework
- Box shadow options, reversed vertical and horizontal labels fix
- Instance creation and storage issue, when the initial options were stored incorrectly
- Search Data Optimization: Automatic removal of un-used options, resulting in 50% less data stored
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Reactions: GeeGee