Feature: Masonry option for the Row Element
Feature: Content based Posts can use HTML storage for better support with SEO plugins
Feature: Breadcrumbs looper provider and Breadcrumbs Elements prefab
Feature: Meta Query builder data type control
Feature: Query Builder Post Status control
Feature: Element visibility status button added to the outline
Feature: Attachment / Media post type can be selected in the Query Builder when used with the Post Status
Feature: Scroll Progress control for the Line Element
Updated: Select boxes have a Dynamic Content button
Updated: Unit field will have a full length value when it detects Dynamic Content, and Dynamic Content is selectable via the unit dropdown
Updated: Border Style and Color can enter breakout mode
Updated: Global Colors and Fonts have a control to edit the ID of an item
Updated: Theme Options Export will export and import global colors and fonts
Updated: Looper Field Dynamic Content contains a select box with all available looper keys available
Updated: Google Fonts List
Updated: Preview link targeting which disables cornerstone from redirecting the frame, has been moved out of the preview js to the cornerstone js.
Updated: Font Awesome 6.7.2
Updated: Query Builder allows you to enter in -1, querying all posts of a given post type
Updated: Element icons added back into the library and outline. Preference for this added as well
Updated: Removed beta flag on External API
Updated: Subtle performance enhancement of searching in the element library
Updated: Element definition for an icon allows you to use an alias
Updated: Clipboard error message gives better info on what could have gone wrong
Updated: Omega control has an add_id option for non-dom based items that could have a custom ID
Bugfix: Dynamic Content get path through dot syntax would not work when grabbing inner object
Bugfix: Parameters using isVar could not be used properly by Twig
Bugfix: Row template could not use parameters using isVar
Bugfix: Controls that went from it's base breakpoint value to another value back to the base value would not work. Example going from auto to 50% back to auto on the Div width
Bugfix: Twig that outputs Twig would not render the dynamic content properly
Bugfix: Custom attributes and other array based values had a poor rendering strategy resulting in most Twig templates working improperly
Bugfix: Modern Event Calendars Single and Archive layouts for events would not use a custom layout
Bugfix: Locked elements with inner childs over a depth of 1 were still selectable and context menu would still work on them too
Bugfix: Adding a condition to a row, then removing that condition would cause the row to never show up again
Bugfix: Unlock permission was not checked on the inspector controls for locked elements
Bugfix: Changing a groups parameter breakpoint values sometimes would not work
Bugfix: WooCommerce layout detection did not check post empty state