New: Introduced fes_get_vendor_url filter on the vendor profile URL. This allows the URLs to be customized.
Improvement: Disallow entirely numeric vendor usernames. This is because they conflict with vendor profile URLs.
Fix: Potential memory issues when updating vendor email when the user account is updated. (FES_DB_Vendors->update_vendor_email_on_user_update())
Fix: "Rows" setting not honored by rich textareas.
Fix: Undefined index errors.
Fix: Number fields that are marked as required were not being treated as such.
Fix: Infinite loop when viewing vendor shop profile while using Vendd theme.
Fix: Deprecation notices in PHP 8.
Fix: User bio field didn't have an option to switch to the "Rich textarea".
Tweak: Update plugin author name to Sandhills Development, LLC.
Dev: EDD 3.0 compatibility.
Dev: Correct EDD_Front_End_Submissions:
helper docblock.