Easy Digital Downloads - MailChimp 3.0.16

Download Easy Digital Downloads - MailChimp 3.0.16 from nulled fire. Include a MailChimp signup option with your Easy Digital Downloads checkout
Refactor: Mailchimp settings have been moved to the new "Marketing" tab in EDD 2.11.4+.
Fix: Tables not getting created during fresh install.
Fix: FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING is deprecated in PHP 8.1.
Dev: Add debug logging to EDD_MailChimp_Settings::save_settings.
Fix: Mailchimp lists were not connecting on multisite.
Tweak: Replace references of Interests to Groups in settings.
Tweak: Update licensing implementation and author.
Dev: Refactor how the plugin is loaded and checks system requirements.
Improvement: Merge field validation is now ignored while subscribing. This means you will no longer get subscription errors if you have a required merge field that this add-on doesn't utilize.
Fix: Deprecation warnings in PHP 8.
Dev: Compatibility with EDD 3.0.