Essential Grid Gallery WordPress Plugin 3.1.8

Download Essential Grid Gallery WordPress Plugin 3.1.8 from nulled fire. Essential Grid is a premium plugin for WordPress that allows you to display various content formats
Update Extended Search to search for all post-type taxonomies

Loadbalancer used wrong option to store servers
Templates popup height
CSS load order
WP Dashboard activity thumbnails
Compress assets break inline styles
Added Elementor Widget
Added “Wait for Viewport” option in “Grid Settings > Smart Loading” section to control if Essential Grid should wait for viewport to initialize

Update tp-tools library
Update Twitter to in lightbox share popup

Widgets render
jQuery.fn.scroll() event shorthand is deprecated
Load more token issue
WPBakery compatibility
WooCommerce product showed empty price instead of ‘out of stock’ status
Elementor page preloader break grid lightbox
Update tp-tools library
Update code to follow WordPress Coding Standards
YouTube thubmnails respect Image Source Type settings

User-controlled plugin “Auto-update” functionality
Custom Meta Filter for Pages
Normalize link for grid items
Grid item image not using title attribute
Title not shown in Lightbox when watermark addon enabled
On mobile opening filter dropdown did not close the current one
Content-based lightbox grouping
“Start Sorting By” not working
“Load More” loading wrong number of items
Cover link in grid skin selection tab
Slider Revolution not working in lightbox
Custom post types “excluded from search” wont load via ajax