EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.3

Download EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.3 from nulled fire. EventOn - WordPress Event Calendar Plugin
= 2.5.5 =
ADDED: End year to show in eventtop with option to hide
ADDED: Option to set custom login URL
ADDED: Option to disable html special character decode on ICS file
ADDED: New cron class to handle similar tasks for addons
FIXED: error on eventon uninstall
FIXED: no events text on list view echoing instead of returning
FIXED: admin location and organizer not translating in event edit page
FIXED: tiles with ajax load more leaving clear div
FIXED: ajax load more switching months showing incorrect events
FIXED: disabling schema data to break calendar layout
FIXED: organizer link formating correctly
FIXED: location link formating correctly as well
FIXED: not able to delete plugin via wp admin page
FIXED: Search bar styles overriding by theme styles for some users
FIXED: missing argument error on evoadmin_get_unix_time_fromt_post()
FIXED: search not working when enabled via settings
FIXED: external link input field showing for lightbox UX option in event edit page
UPDATED: Minor style changes
UPDATED: calendar date styles and HTML structure
UPDATED: Minor updates to single events template codes
ADDED: seperate styles sheet for backend RTL styles
ADDED: Language corresponding event capabilities
ADDED: JSON-LD structured data for events
ADDED: Option to enable search for all calendars by default
ADDED: Get directions to use lat lon if address not provided
ADDED: Ability to use NOT-ALL to hide all events assigned with certain event taxonomy terms
ADDED: pluggable funtions on calendar evo_cal_eventtop_attrs
ADDED: Ability to run PHP codes on website via eventon settings
ADDED: Pluggble filter for taxonomy page shortcode used
ADDED: AJAX based pagination for loading new events
ADDED: Featured events tag on eventtop
FIXED: tile minor styles
FIXED: backslashes not getting stripped on organizer meta information
FIXED: Single events page showing multiple widgets
FIXED: press enter key to search not working
FIXED: search minor styles
FIXED: Export events as CSV event date to be in matching date format for CSV Importer
FIXED: Schema based structured data errors
FIXED: Stripslashes for organizer address and contact data fields
FIXED: location and organizer button translatability
FIXED: Single event template function requireing a paramater
FIXED: Tiles feature image not showing background image
UPDATED: By default search be disable for calendars
UPDATED: Addons list on license page
UPDATED: all events page to show all day text instead of time
= 2.5.3 (2017-5-4)
ADDED: event edit page to support location and organizer setting via ajax
ADDED: search addon is now a part of eventon
ADDED: ability to search on event type 2 and 3 with advance search
ADDED: Location with city, state and country data
ADDED: Search to be available in event list version of calendar as well
ADDED: Search box to be able to search all past and current events
ADDED: Option to show end time as well in repeat instance
ADDED: Option to hide add eventon shortcode generator button from backend
ADDED: Option to hide comments section on single event page
ADDED: global option for location to be hidden from non-loggedin users
ADDED: Option to download all events as ICS file from frontend
FIXED: MDT custom html code for extra field not getting stripslashes
FIXED: add to google calendar link compatibility with https protocol
FIXED: monthly and weekly repeat options incorrection on event edit page
FIXED: repeat interval time in eventcard be formatted with translated month names
FIXED: PHP7.1 conflicts in language edit page & other places
FIXED: export events as CSV to support csv importer date time formats
FIXED: saving date proper conversion for altered date formats
FIXED: External link for open event in single event page not complying with https
FIXED: ics export all events not importing correct
FIXED: Twitter sharing 2 links to events
FIXED: custom repeats not saving on newly added events
FIXED: Language not saying in PHP 7.1+
FIXED: Tile view not switching to one tile in a row in mobile view
FIXED: Add to calendar ICS file formatting fix
FIXED: evo_get_long_month_names() not returning correct translated month names
FIXED: isset error on function get_int_correct_event_time()
FIXED: style adjustments for extra <p> tags added inside calendar by some themes
FIXED: deactivated multi data types not hiding from left menu
UPDATED: Select2 updates to version 4
UPDATED: Single event page template code