ForGravity - Entry Automation 2.0.4

Download ForGravity - Entry Automation 2.0.4 from nulled fire. Entry Automation allows for multiple tasks per form, providing unlimited possibilities.
- Fix a PHP 7.3 warning when exporting to PDF.
- Add custom ordering to Export Entries tasks.
- Add starred and unread statuses to conditional logic filters.
- Add support for Gravity Perks Nested Forms fields.
- Add support for Repeater fields.

- Add "fg_entryautomation_disable_task_skipping" filter.
- Add "fg_entryautomation_export_email_headers" filter.
- Add "fg_entryautomation_export_fields_include_inputs" filter.
- Add "fg_entryautomation_export_lines" filter.
- Add support for Polls, Quiz and Survey Add-Ons.
- Fix HTML content type not being set when export email message contains HTML tags.
- Fix issue with fields not appearing in PDFs.
- Fix issue with task running when saving task settings.
- Fix Run Task Now not using updates to export email message.
- Fix run time preview displaying incorrect time.
- Fix task running when form could not be found.
- Update extension framework to support new extensions.
- Update formatting of first run date on task settings page.