Formidable Forms Pro 6.9

Download Formidable Forms Pro 6.9 from nulled fire. Formidable Forms Pro it’s The best WordPress form plugin.
New: Show a generated screenshot of the embedded form in the form builder rather than the first few fields
Fix: Auto updates with the nested version going from 3.0 were failing and updating to lite
Fix: Some default values were overiding non defaults when the form was displayed. This included user ID fields and other ifelds with separate values.
Fix: Recompile the combined javascript file any time the pro version number changes
Fix: Embedded forms were being changed when the parent form was saved
Fix: Dynamic fields showing the entry key were blank with [25 show=key].
Fix: More reliably run calculations in hidden fields inside of a section on multi paged forms
Fix: Don’t apply auto layout classes to inline forms with more than 12 fields
Fix: When checking if an inline form needs layout classes added, check for non-numeric classes like frm_half
Fix: Prevent the comment box on the entries page from closing immediately
New: Use toggle fields in calculations and conditional logic
Fix: Some conditional logic based on empty radio fields wasn't functioning
Fix: Require time fields at the correct times
Fix: Trigger style update when a form is loaded instead of only when an admin page is visited
Fix: A few various form styling and layout fixes
Fix: Prevent screenreader text for accessibility from showing on sites with older cached css
Fix: Prevent conflict with Divi when a form shortcode with a recaptcha is included in page editor
Fix: Use 'readfile' instead of 'include' for css files for extra safety precautions
Fix: Load the field options before frm_new_fields_vars hook for reverse compatibility
-Read the highlights in the blog: New field types, seamless updates, and a beefed up free form builder in v3.0
-Possibly breaking change: Removed code that has been deprecated since before v2.02. If you are using any custom code or third-party addons, we recommend turning on debug mode in your wp-config.php before you update.
-New: Move Formidable Pro to its own plugin during update or install. Wahoo!
-New: If the Pro version is installed without the lite forms, install it automatically. Prevent errors if pro is running alone or is also nested inside of lite.
-Add range slider and toggle fields
-Add visibility option to HTML and section fields
-Move repeater field to its own field button
-Combine image and URL fields
-Add readonly option to time fields
-Star rating fields: Separate from scale fields and remove the jquery rating js and replace with mostly html and css
-Show frm-stats as stars with straight html/css (no more js)
-New: Make it easier to show star values. Show the stars by default on the -View entry page and show stars in a view with [25 html=1].
-New: Added param checking to inline conditionals: [if 25 equals='param' param='set-name-here'] and [if get param="level" equals="gold"]
-New: Add entry_position shortcode for incremental content in views. For example, this gives the option to show more or different information for the first entry in the view or insert ads after the third entry.
-New: Automatically adjust fields to fit equally in an inline form
-Move features into the free form builder: redirect and show page after save, javascript validation, field format options with HTML5 pattern validation, and phone number, number, user ID, hidden field, and HTML fields
-Save a combined js file to use on the front-end with a fallback if the file fails to generate. This file is updated when the plugin is activated or updated.
A UI pick-me-up in preparation of things to come in 4.0.
New: Use CSS grids for better layouts. If you would like your column layouts to show in Internet Explorer, you'll need to turn on the old styling in the Formidable -> Global settings. The grids use a 12-column layout with classes that range from frm1 (1 column of 12) to frm12 (span all 12 columns). (Thanks for the feedback from our feedback group!)
New: Search for fields by name, id, and key in the customization panel
Improved RTL styling in backend
Enhancement: Add frm_rtl class to forms with styles set to RTL for easier styling.
Enhancement: Customize the invalid message when a custom format is set on text fields
Better a11y/WCAG support: hidden labels where required, "for" tag on most labels, and link the field to its description for screenreaders.
Move form shortcodes from the sidebar to the form settings page
Change "field options" to "field settings" on the form builder page
Update the Print styling for the entries page
Remove frm_text_block class and do it by default. Radio buttons and checkboxes with wrapping text should look good by default.
Add a link in the footer to review Formidable
New: field object class to make it easy to make new field types. We don't have docs yet, but developers can take a look at the FrmFieldType class. But we've gone to great efforts to make sure fields done the old way will continue to function.
Separate Pro and Lite translations
Enhancement: If a form creates posts and is set to not save entries, save the created post.
Enhancement: Run form install on an API route instead of the admin ajax route and make sure there won't be multiple instances of the install running at once.
Enhancement: Use the options instead of transients for checking for updates. Some types of caching store transients indefinitely.
Enhancement: Get the shortcodes for a view more concisely. Check for any numeric shortcode instead of checking the database for the field ids
Tweak: Include 'original_default' in the field array for new entries so we can compare and prevent double processing later
Tweak: Open files in the form upload field in a new tab
Tweak: Don't show the reports nav if the form has no entries
Tweak: Add .do-calculation class on a form to run calculations even if they are not on the current page of the form
New hook: Add frm_output_single_style hook to add extra css into the generated stylesheet
New hook: Add frm_before_get_form hook for enqueueing form scripts
New hook: Add frm_enqueue_builder_scripts hook to load extra scripts on the form builder page
New hook: Add frm_show_entry_defaults hook to add extra atts to the frm_show_entry shortcode
Tweak: Add $atts with $atts['view'] to all pagination hooks
Fix: calculations in hidden fields inside of sections were not calculating
Fix: Add validation for the year range in date fields
Fix: Don't use conditional logic in form actions when the field isn't selected
Fix: Show address fields without br in dynamic fields
Fix: Require the credit card field when editing a draft
Fix: Only show the user login for a user id field when the display name is empty. Don't show it as a fallback for other user values.
Fix: Return 403 instead of 401 when a file type isn't allowed to be uploaded.
Fix: Install the wp_frm_copies table during the first multisite installation, and prevent it from checking tables before they exist.
Fix: Do not process a shortcode that is inserted into a field by an end user when moving between form pages.
Fix: Conditionals that check user meta were always returning true
Fix: Autocomplete for dynamic fields was too small
Fix: If a field includes regex, keep the slashes when the field is duplicated
Fix: Correctly check conditional logic when comparing 0 to blank.
Fix: Prevent double filtering shortcodes in a nested view
Fix: Allow a view to not be filtered on the same page as a filtered view
Fix: Searching dynamic fields were returning extra, incorrect results
Fix: Searching for a decimal value was dropping the value after the decimal
Fix: Searching for a number with post entries and frm-search wasn't correctly checking the posts
Fix: datepicker settings weren't loading correctly in an ajax form with date fields that aren't on the first form page
Fix: Correctly hide and show fields in embedded forms with the frm-show-entry shortcode
Fix: When a field immediately follows an embedded form, it was showing up when include_fields included the embedded form
Fix: quotation marks were being escaped in frm_form_attributes and frm_form_div_attributes hooks
Removed: The preview page option in the global settings is no longer used. The form preview page is now generated.
Removed: The placeholder fallback javascript for old versions of IE is gone. No need to give everyone extra scripts to load.
Deprecated the accordion javascript checkbox in global settings since it isn't used by the plugin. If you had this box checked, you'll still see it. Once you uncheck it the option will no longer appear.
Removed the option to bulk create templates from forms
Removed the list of users on the reports page for quicker report loading