Formidable Forms Pro 6.8.4

Download Formidable Forms Pro 6.8.4 from nulled fire. Formidable Forms Pro it’s The best WordPress form plugin.
New: Add frm_set_and_or_for_lookup filter to allow for filtering lookups that match every value.
Fix: Do not clear field values when previous page is conditionally hidden.
Fix: Don’t include combo field description html with empty description.

New: Add unique date/time validation back into plugin.
New: Add custom jQuery events that fire before form redirect (frmBeforeFormRedirect) and after deleting/adding a row (frmAfterRemoveRow/frmAfterAddRow).
New: Add frm_full_upload CSS Layout Class.
Enhancement: Remove deprecated safe_mode references.
Enhancement: Allow descriptions to be set in all sub fields.
Enhancement: Display a 0 in numeric calculations rather than a blank value.
Enhancement: Add [event_date] shortcode in View sidebar.
Enhancement: Check required fields before uploading file.
Enhancement: Add Parent Entry ID column to entry listing page.
Enhancement: Allow Formidable shortcodes as auto_id prefix or suffix.
Fix: Improve styling for Other text box in horizontal radio or checkbox field
Fix: Switch Cancel Link back to Edit after entry is updated in-place.
Fix: Allow quotes in update link value.
Fix: Prevent other option from showing when using [input opt=1].
Fix: Skip content shortcode checks that have already been run.
Fix: Do not treat 0 value as empty in conditional shortcode.
Fix: Calculate median properly for stats.
Fix: Do not rely on field order to check if a field is conditionally hidden.
Fix: Include the html to set a dynamic field to multiple on the form builder page.
Fix: Get form and section ID correctly when existing field is dragged into a section.
Fix: Do not replace values in fields watching Lookups on edit.
New: Add frm_before_create_post hook.
Enhancement: Add frm_final_submit class to submit button to make styling easier.
Fix: Add more file upload spam protection.
Fix: Allow star rating statistics to work for non-scale fields.
Fix: Prevent file uploads from some specific headless browsers.
Fix: Clear options when switching to Lookup field type to prevent conditional logic conflicts.
Fix: Convert show=id to show=ID in user ID shortcodes to prevent error messages.
Fix: Make sure Entry Status filter works.
Fix: Include Lookup Checkboxes in calculations.
Fix: Add nonce check for uploads
Fix: Decrease maximum number of orphaned files that can be deleted at one time
Fix: Carry page titles across on import