Give - Currency Switcher 2.1.0

Download Give - Currency Switcher 2.1.0 from nulled fire. Allow your donors to switch to their currency of choice and increase your overall
* Fix: Resolved an issue with the previous release which was causing a JavaScript error for donors when attempting to switch currencies.
* Fix: Adjusted a JavaScript conditional check to prevent a JS error when Currency Switcher is not enabled on a donation form.
* Fix: Resolved an issue with Currency Switcher not properly setting the currency when only one currency is supported by a particular payment gateway.
* Fix: When a logged in donor's preferred currency was auto-switched there was an issue with the donor then giving a custom amount in that currency that has been fixed.
* Fix: Resolved an issue with currency formatting the total amount correctly when the donor switches the payment gateway.
* Fix: An "Invalid amount" notice would display incorrectly when using custom currency amount in a multi-level donation form. Now no incorrect errors will display.