Give - Razorpay Gateway 2.0.2

Download Give - Razorpay Gateway 2.0.2 from nulled fire. Accept online donation payments with Razorpay.
* New: Added compatibility with the upcoming release of GiveWP 2.7.0 and the new form template layout.
* Fix: Resolved an issue with Recurring Donation's "Admin Defined" setting not properly working with Razorpay.
* Fix: There was an issue with compatibility with the Fee Recovery add-on not properly adding the fee to the Razorpay checkout.
* Fix: Razorpay was incorrectly recording webhooks from other gateways. Now it will only log Razorpay webhooks.
* Fix: Resolved an issue with compatibility with "Donor's Choice" recurring donation period selection which would record an incorrect frequency for certain configurations.
* Fix: Resolved an issue with session usage and recurring donations. Now if a modal window is closed accidentally the session will remain..
* Tweak: Hardened security for the AJAX handler within Razorpay.