Gravity Forms

Download Gravity Forms from nulled fire. Gravity Forms is the Easiest Tool to Create Advanced Forms
- Added maxlength attribute to fields using textarea inputs when maximum character count is defined.
- Fixed a fatal error which can occur when using GFFormsModel::media_handle_upload() to upload a video file to the media library.
- Fixed an accessibility issue with the color contrast of the character counter on a white background.
- Fixed character counter not announcing updated character limit to screen readers on fields with a maximum character count defined.
- Fixed the replacement method name in the GFFormsModel::purge_expired_incomplete_submissions() deprecation notice.
- Fixed an issue with the default symbols for the Repeater field buttons and removed the title attribute.
- Fixed the placeholder option not being added to drop down type fields when the placeholder is 0.
- Added aria-describedby to some single input fields including: Consent, Text, Textarea, and Website.
- Fixed an issue that frontend feeds can't be activated after the conditional logic disabled.
- API: Fixed PHP warning during form submission if an invalid entry id is returned by the gform_entry_id_pre_save_lead filter.
- API: Fixed an issue where existing values for registered entry meta could be lost when using the gform_entry_id_pre_save_lead filter to update an entry during form submission.
- API: Added GFAPI::entry_exists() to check if an entry exists for the supplied ID.
- Removed "Not Checked" rule for the consent field in conditional logic JS.
- Fixed issue where conditionally hidden Drop Down fields were evaluated as having a value via conditional logic.
- Added security enhancements.
- Updated link in disable logging notice to immediately disable logging.
- Fixed an issue where use of some special characters, such as quotes, in the List field column label could prevent submission of the input value.
- Fixed an issue with the Rich Text Editor height when the Paragraph or Post Body field is displayed by conditional logic.