LaraClassifier - Classified Ads Web Application ( LaraClassified ) 14.2.0

Download LaraClassifier - Classified Ads Web Application ( LaraClassified ) 14.2.0 from nulled fire. LaraClassified is a Classified CMS, a powerfull modulable app and has a fully responsive design.
Added: Search page left sidebar: Clear filter buttons added.
Updated: Admin panel: Sidebar menu improved.
Updated: Show archived ads as archived instead of 404 error page for ads owners & admin users.
Fixed: Fix multi-checkbox field values in the custom fields.
Updated: Minor improvements.
Fixed: Minor bugs fixed.
Added: Admin panel: PHP-cli version info added in System Info.
Updated: Cron Job Settings Info (and System Info) improved.
Updated: Increasing the pages content limitation (from 65000 to 16000000 characters).
Fixed: Fix the MySQL error when the database translatable entries fallback locale is set to null.
Fixed: Properly retrieve salary (min & max) in forms during ads edition.
Fixed: Fix 404 error for customized ads URL (when those are the callback URL) from payment gateways.
Added: Admin panel: System Info page added.
Updated: Properly handle AJAX errors related to the city fields in forms.
Fixed: Properly apply the country's filter in city search.
Updated: Minor improvements.
Fixed: Minor bugs fixed.
Updated: Composer update.