Mailster - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress 4.0.9

Download Mailster - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress 4.0.9 from nulled fire. Mailster is an easy to use Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress.
fixed: height attribute of image tags were not always respected.
improved: tag replacement handling
improved: list order in overview
improved: queue handling of time based auto responders
improved: query for dashboard widget
improved: sql query
fixed: added “source” tag in allowed tags
fixed: sql query issue on “(didn’t) clicked link” condition
fixed: smaller issues
fixed: unsubscribe issue on single opt out if user is logged in
fixed: subscriber export on sites with CloudFlare
improved: custom tags are now replaced in the final campaign and no longer when created
improved: privacy policy link gets updated if the address changes
improved: subscriber query now has the campaign id as second argument.
improved: nonce form handle
added: wp_include and wp_exclude for subscriber query to handle WP user ID’s
added: condition “(didn’t) clicked link” now allows to choose a certain campaign
added: additional aggregated campaigns
fixed: array_map warning in wp_mail wrapper
fixed: honeypot was pre-filled on Google Chrome with autofill
fixed: Some tags where not displayed on notifications
fixed: Gravatar changes on third party apps were not respected
fixed: error if location database is missing
fixed: tags in links causes a protocol removal
fixed: smaller issues
improved: better support for maislter_subscriber of third party apps with wrong data type
improved: show stats on campaign overview if heartbeat API is disabled (no live reload)
improved: better handling of inline styles for subscriber buttons
disabled: honeypot mechanism to prevent Chrome browsers to fill out the honeypot field