Mailster - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress 4.1.7

Download Mailster - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress 4.1.7 from nulled fire. Mailster is an easy to use Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress.
improved: translation checks and loading
improved: loading of translations
fixed: assigned unchecked lists on form submission if user choice is enabled
fixed: PHP warning on bounce handler
added: remove_custom_value method to remove meta values of subscribers
added: Mailgun delivery option to setup
  • fixed: Editor button now only available in the backend
  • fixed: Excerpts were missing when view mode is Excerpt View
  • fixed: missing wp_get_raw_referer on WP < 4.5
  • fixed: choosing default values for dropdowns and radio custom fields
  • fixed: multiple attached attachments
  • fixed: plain text option wasn’t respected during test campaigns
  • improved: lists assigned to a form are now respected if form id is set explicitly on subscriber submission
  • added: mailster_campaign_content filter to alter the content of campaigns
  • added: mailster_using_permalinks filter
  • added: support for the SparkPost add on
  • fixed: some tags with alternative content were not replaced when sending a test campaign
  • fixed: module screenshots returned error if more than 30 modules in template
  • improved: unsubscribe action can now contain a status for more info
  • change: send method now returns internal message ID
  • change: test mails to unknown email addresses are no longer assigned to the current user to prevent false mailbox actions