new: Donations support option on Opt-In Builder plans;
new: New option show/hide table content;
new: Added a new shortcode Page Content Renderer;
new: Woo Attribute Filters – Added single selection filter for attributes;
misc: Post Form Taxonomies – Enable child to create terms;
misc: Category Siblings – Added the option to include/exclude category IDs;
misc: Category Siblings – Improvements and fixes;
misc: Posts Form Submit – Improved the email layout;
misc: Modal Popup – custom content style options;
misc: Popup Modal – Enhanced the validation on form inputs;
misc: News social icons: Bluesky, Mastodon and Threads;
misc: Google fonts list update;
misc: Flex Loop Filters – added the possibility to order terms alphabetically or by term ID, ascending or descending;
misc: Create account shortcode – Updated the password requirements to appear in the form of a label tooltip;
misc: Added a new option to enable/disable user registration, so as not to depend on the default option from WP;
misc: Add more page slots on the account shortcode;
misc: Paypal payment description & instructions options support;
misc: Cancel on subscriptions with trial;
fix: Gutenberg separator CSS;
fix: Missing translations;
fix: Module Categories/Tax terms hover color;
fix: Issue whether reverting the value of a responsive checkbox on lower viewports;
fix: Issue where the sticky column option would not get disabled when selecting a column or inner column directly on the mobile viewport;
fix: Updated Spotify icon;
fix: Flex block – Issue when selecting to display the child posts of the current article and also choosing a limit;
fix: Module featured image – Fixed an issue where the video pop-up modal would not open;
fix: Install not content Towntalk demo;
fix: Flex loop Filters mobile icon color;
fix: Excerpt limit with negative value;
fix: Get Pinterest block data;
fix: Multiple PHP warnings;
fix: My account – Account details – Profile picture remove when update any info;
fix: Unlocked page (subscription locker) css fix;
fix: Auto unlock post.
new: Featured Image & Bg Featured Image: Added default image option for posts without a featured image;
misc: Single Image – Added border option;
misc: Multipurpose fonts woff2 support;
misc: Added category style option on flex blocks/loops;
misc: Custom Field – Display post custom label (extra category) using td_custom_cat_name or td_custom_cat_name_url;
misc: Loop Filter – Added SEO title option;
misc: Updated the Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version;
fix: Hide additional text when there is no taxonomy to display;
fix: Product favorites when no favorite products are found;
fix: Sticky column on mobile;
fix: Single Image CSS issue;
fix: Product description – “Load More” option;
fix: Disable the loop features for blocks that don’t use a loop;
fix: Block 17 warning;
fix: Form gallery – Fixed an issue when updating a post that already had gallery images in an ACF field;
fix: Flex Loop Filters – Added aria-label as taxonomy name for dropdown search type;
fix: Issue with TOC when WooCommerce is active;
fix: Custom Field PHP notice;
fix: Module Categories/Tax Terms color style;
fix: Single Taxonomies – Hide additional text when there is no taxonomy to display;
fix: Scroll to class on mobile;
new: Autoload for CPTs;
new: Autoload options moved from Website Manager to the single/CPT template settings panel (located on the top right of the composer edit screen);
new: Autoload by a specific post tag option;
new: Added option in Theme Panel to apply or not is_email() function on registration;
misc: Mobile theme: Added the font-display: swap property to the mobile theme font definition;
misc: Added Latest Posts option for autoload;
misc: Removed shortcodes from the page for non-admin users, when tagDiv plugins are inactive;
misc: Refresh page on delete bookmarks/favourites;
misc: Added icon option for Module Taxonomies shortcode;
misc: Cloud templates fixes, updates and refactor;
misc: Updated the Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version;
fix: WebP support in Loop shortcodes;
fix: Minor vulnerability on theme activation;
fix: Alt on video thumb-image on mobile;
fix: State single cloud template;
fix: Loop no posts in Composer pagebuilder;
fix: Megamenu page warning;
fix: Sticky sidebar on default templates;
fix: Gallery shortcode issue in module templates;
fix: Flex Loop Filter: Set “Select Category” as the default in dropdowns;
fix: Fixed an issue where no products were displayed if no favorites were selected;
fix: Several PHP errors and warnings.