Paid Memberships Pro - Auto-Renewal Checkbox 0.3.2

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Download Paid Memberships Pro - Auto-Renewal Checkbox 0.3.2 from nulled fire. Allow the member to select automatic renewals via a checkbox on the Membership Checkout page.

Download Paid Memberships Pro - Auto-Renewal Checkbox 0.3.2 from nulled fire

Allow the member to select automatic renewals via a checkbox on the Membership Checkout page.
How it Works
This add on enables a new section on the Membership Checkout page to allow a member to select whether to purchase a recurring subscription or just a single membership term.

The add on adds a new setting on the Membership Levels > Edit page allowing the admin to turn on or off the “auto-renewal” setting. For example, if your level has an initial payment of $10 and a recurring subscription of $10 per month, the member can select to simply purchase the level for $10 for a single month or to purchase the monthly subscription.

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Paid Memberships Pro - Auto-Renewal Checkbox

(21 KB / .zip) File Size
Apanha Apanha Published By