Perfmatters 2.2.6

Download Perfmatters 2.2.6 from nulled fire. This plugin adds an assortment of performance and speed improvements to your WordPress installation.
  • Added new Extra options to Add Header Code and Add Footer Code.
  • Added missing blank defaults for DNS Prefetch and Preconnect options.
  • Added functionality to force the Admin Bar to display when the Script Manager is loaded.
  • Script Manager styling adjustments.
  • Added success message on save when the Script Manager options are updated.
  • Added support for 404 pages when trying to disable or enable on the Current URL.
-Added new option to Disable Comments.
-Updated a section of the Script Manager to better reflect the Current URL when determining if it is a match for the given regex pattern.
Added links to the Script Manager from the posts list page and post edit page which will take you to the front end and load the Script Manager for the corresponding post.
Added warning notices for both WP_POST_REVISIONS and AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL if they are set in Perfmatters while also defined elsewhere.