Popup Plugin For WordPress - ConvertPlus 3.5.29

Download Popup Plugin For WordPress - ConvertPlus 3.5.29 from nulled fire. ConvertPlug is the all-in-one WordPress Popup plugin
- New: New gradient background option for module.
- Fixed: Conflict with Imagify plugin.
- Fixed: Conflict with WP Fastest Cache plugin.
- Fixed: JS error due to frosty not defined.
- Fixed: Issue of subscribe button is not focused on tab event.
- Fixed: Referrer detection not working issue.
- Fixed: iPhone input field focus not set issue.
- Fixed: Lead data not passed issue.
- Fixed: JS error due to url_arr not defined.
- Fixed: Target page setting not working for categories and tags.
- Fixed: File export issue for user if header not set.
- Fixed: Advance border issue for slide-in.
- Fixed: Infobar page push not working.
- Fixed: Gravity form not working with infobar.
- Fixed: Gradient image issue.
- Fixed: Delete style option from customizer not working.
- Fixed: Default campaign not created on first installation.
- New: Introduced a filter to change countdown timers label for language specific popup.
- New: Introduced countdown template for infobar.
- New: Introduced border radius option for countdown background.
- Fixed: Security update for XSS vulnerability.
- Fixed: Slide-in opt-in widget issue - Minimize slide-in option not working properly if more than one slide-in present.
- Fixed: Slide-in image position issue for free widget.
- Fixed: Social count not working.
- Fixed: Plugin settings URL not working.
- Fixed: Frosty issue.
-New: Display after refreshing page x number of times.
-New: Feature to export contacts from all campaigns.
-New: Feature to close an inline form after submission.
-New: Added option to set subject and message for subscriber email notification.
-New: Enabling or disabling a popup for specific user roles.
-New: Multiple Selections to delete modal.
-Improvements: Add localization support for countdown template.
-Improvements: Pagination improvement.
-Fixed: Blur text issue on retina display.
-Fixed: Social media count not working due to API changes.
-Fixed: Performance improvement.
-Fixed: Tooltip improvement.
-Fixed: If search result is empty, do not display pagination.
-Fixed: If search result has more than limits then only pagination will visible.
-Fixed: Email notification not working for all connects.
-Fixed: Reduce Ajax call resources - Count unique impressions only.
-Fixed: Special characters in inline modules are not visible.