Restrict Content Pro 3.5.44

Download Restrict Content Pro 3.5.44 from nulled fire. With Restrict Content Pro you can set up a complete subscription system for your WordPress.
Modified templates: login.php, invoice.php.
New: Add "Preview" and "Send Test Email" buttons for all email templates.
Fix: Password reset success message not shown if already logged in.
Fix: Members incorrectly receiving "cancelled subscription" emails when renewing expired memberships.
Fix: Admins unable to view restricted posts in archives when "Hide Restricted Posts" is enabled.
Fix: Delete database cache when adding/editing subscription levels.
Fix: Payment date in invoice template not localized.
Tweak: Set sslverify to true wherever used.
Tweak: Updated German translation.
Fix: Unable to create new Stripe plans with Stripe API version 2018-02-05 or later.
Fix: "Hide Restricted Posts" feature not showing posts in archives for members of free subscription levels.
Fix: Admin "cancel at payment gateway" option not working when used in conjunction with "revoke access now".
Fix: Only cancel memberships via gateway cancellation webhook if member is active.
Fix: array_key_exists() error when get_post_type() returns false.
Fix: New PayPal Express payments not getting assigned a subscription key.
Fix: Subscription level is blank on manual payment emails sent to administrator.
Fix: register.js file being loaded in [card_details] shortcode if the user cannot actually update their card details.
Fix: JavaScript conflict with other plugins that uses hashes in admin page URLs.
Fix: "Can't combine currencies on a single customer" Stripe error when Stripe currency differs from RCP currency.
Fix: Issue where PayPal payments were recorded twice in RCP under certain conditions.
Fix: PayPal SoftDescriptor truncated error if the site name + subscription name is too long.
New: Added rcp_reminder_notice_periods filter to allow developers to customize email reminder periods.
New: Added rcp_invoice_bill_to action hook to allow developers to customize the invoice Bill To area.
Tweak: Updated Braintree JavaScript to the latest version.
Tweak: Added more debug logs to cron jobs that send renewal/expiration email reminders.
Fix: First and last name could be blank in Braintree under certain conditions.
Enhancement: Made it more obvious that a member can update their payment card on the [subscription_details] page when their subscription is expired.
Fix: No longer log PayPal as the gateway used on free registrations, because PayPal was not used!
Fix: Undefined index notice when using the [restrict] shortcode if there wasn't a Free Content Message configured in the settings.