Fixed tabindex not beeing properly added
Fixed a bug with the plugin_locale filter
Fixed an issue with flickr not displaying images if original size is not available anymore
Fixed default text shadow settings not beeing applied properly
Fixed block scroll on vertical touch option for mobile devices
Fixed an issue where slides disappeared in carousel mode if the slide amounts were less than required to fill a full width screen
Fixed an issues if mouse enter/leave actions were fired rapidly in the row
Fixed major bug: I[c].querySelectorAll is not a function in some cases where JavaScript objects were extended by 3rd party plugins and themes
Fixed toggle frame actions where the first frame was resetted instead of cont animating from current state
Fixed a bug where global layers play sometimes twice in case the layers were added to a group
Fixed an issue where the backend messaging in the overview mode was not working smoothly
Fixed show/hide navigation problems if "show navigation only on hover" was selected
Readded the hidden hover style options
Readded the hidden slide link/next slide/previous slide etc. options under slide actions
New Features
- Added color skins to define global colors for different color attributes through any kind of element. I.e. create a color group for highlight colors and then attach them to the font-color, border-color, navigation elements, slide backgrounds, shape colors and so on. This is the best way to edit templates very quick and simple.
- Carousel offset values can scale now also linear to slide scales to allow different horizontal carousel animations based on scale, horizontal offset and this new option
- Added retina canvas support for the Paintbrush AddOn. The Paintbrush AddOn version 2.1.3 is required
- Added global option to modify the Slider Revolution backend language manually (no need to change the whole WordPress backend language)
- Carousel slides will load on demand with lazy loading if lazy loading is set to single/smart. The amount of loaded elements depend on the amount of visible slides set in the carousel settings.
- Added auto width slides for the carousel mode (justified) Option.
- Added sticky mode for the carousel layout
- Added permanent visible individual layers, to extend the "visible all" layers feature in the carousel mode. This gives you more freedom as for which layers should always be visible and which should only be visible on slide focus
- Added an force overflow hidden option for the carousel mode which can be very useful in the new justified carousel mode
- Added new option to hide hover functionality on layers if the Slider is loaded on mobile.
- Added Page Template "Slider Revolution Blank Page" for Posts too
- Added Background Color Page option for Slider Revolution Blank Page Template
- Added Block Settings (PopUp, Spacing, zIndex etc) for Gutenberg, WP Bakery Page Builder and Elementor
- Updated google fonts
- Updated the preview function to show a more realistic preview in the backend using desktop mode
- Updated the carousel engine for a better performance and smoother animations
- Added throw phyiscs to the carousel engine
- Changed the internal packaging process, to always pack WordPress plugins with file permssions 755 (for folders) and 644 (for files), to conform the WordPress standards
- Added a workaround for a Safari bug where image layer animations shift when the opacity is below 1 at start
- Essential Grid will now be parsed in layer. On start animation, Essential Grid will call the redraw option
- Static layer editor will now honor the last edited slide and will resize and reposition none editable elements for better orientation in the static slide editing
- Warning added on background filters to inform about incompatible filters on videos for the Edge and Internet Explorer Browsers
- Videos in the editor can now have "auto" height and "%" width independent if they are positioned in columns, groups or on the stage directly
- Fixed a bug where the usage of {{featured_image_url_*}} parameters for post based and Instagram sliders did not work properly
- Fixed a bug where layers from the layer library could not be imported
- Fixed a bug where the a slide would be visible on mobile even if the setting was set that it should not be visible
- Fixed a bug where updating from an old version of Slider Revolution could change the animations in rare cases, so that the slider editor can not be loaded
- Fixed tons of small glitches in the carousel rendering. Fixed swipe failures and missing elements on the left/right side. Fixed rotation and scale issues if the varying option was set to true
- The slider editor will now also save published/unpublished slides even if no other setting was changed on those slides
- Fixed scroll effects on mobile devices
- The dropzone will now only be shown to real dragged files in the editor
- Fixed minHeight issue on fullwidth sliders. From now on it will ignore unused values set by auto layout
- The Toggle state of playing/pausing a slider will not jump anymore between forward and backward when the slide is changing.
- Fixed box-shadow issue in FireFox by removing the filter rest blur(0px) on some elements
- Fixed a bug where Vimeo Autoplay on iOS was not working well on the 2nd and further Loops
- Bubble Morph bug fixed where linear resized small containers used to shake on mobile devices. Bubble Morph 2.0.3 is required
- Fixed a bug where an empty Slider Revolution block opens the template library on page/post editor loading
- Fixed the smart loading feature, which will now load the previous/next slide content when the slide is focused
- Fixed a bug where the optimizer stopped working in the page editor in case the module included any AddOns
- Fixed inline style issues on layers when the slide link was added at the end of the slide container
- Fixed a bug where looped media could not be saved. After 1 reload and resave the video lost its looped state
- Fixed a bug where inline styled colors in splitted text (chars, lines, words) were not respected
- TypWriter multiple line editing bug fixed. TypeWriter version 2.0.2 required
- Fixed device pixel ratio issue on retina displays. The Paintbrush AddOn version 2.1.3 is required
- Fixed an issue where none of the YouTube playlist listitems was selected after the playlist updates
- Fixed click mouseenter and mouseleave actions on layers in combination with navigation show/hide, slider focus/blur events
- Before After AddOn split initialisation will respect all screensizes now, instead of jumping 50% on smaller screens. The Before After AddOn 2.0.3 is required
- Fixed Slicey AddOn compatibility with the Type Writer AddOn. Slicey 2.0.1 AddOn required
- Fixed Google Font loading issue if the global option for preload was selected
New Features
- The import process now checks for image duplication not only in the same folder but in the whole WordPress installation
- The gutenberg block opens the module library now directly when added
- Removed unwanted "rated" text from WooCommerce product star rating
- Fixed scrollbar issues in the editor and overview pages
- Fixed an issue with line heights in some rare cases where i.e. Safari was ignoring the responsive children sizes
- Fixed drop zone issues in the overview and editor mode where dragging files from desktop over the browser was not always working well