Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin 6.7.29

Download Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin 6.7.29 from nulled fire. Slider Revolution is an innovative, responsive WordPress Slider Plugin
  • Links with target="_blank" will be extended with the rel="noopener" attribute to avoid performance and security issues
  • Double defined slide link actions : "Next Slide" and "Previous Slide" removed from the "Jump To Slide" action to avoid misunderstanding (existing values are still available)
  • Added ScrollTo GreenSock plugin with the latest version to avoid issues where 3rd party plugins and themes using the RS libraries with older components of GreenSock
  • Fixed an issue where sliders could not be lunched on iOS 9.x deviced due to a JavaScript issue
  • Corrected the naming of some attributes in the 3D parallax settings for better understanding
  • Fixed a bug where the update process from V5.x to 6.2.1 would break in some cases the slide animation settings
  • Fixed "first slide" and "last slide" links due the "jump to slide" action
  • Fixed skew transforms in frontend rendering where elements kept their calculated "scale and skew" values in case any of the skew attributes had negative values
  • Fixed layer size calculation in frontend rendering if the layer was added to a group with % based width and/or heights
  • Fixed thumbail and tab positions calculation glitches if RTL navigation is enabled
New Features
  • Layer background supports now also image sources from stream
  • Added custom fonts list to global settings, which supports custom fonts in the editor area also.
    Available options: font family name, url to font style, available font weights, load font in front- and/or backend environment
  • ThemePunch tool main reference "punchgs" has been replaced by "tpGS"
  • GreenSock Engine update from Version 2.x to Version 3.x
  • Easing now have new aliases. i.e. Power2.easeInOut now can be referenced with short names like power2.inOut
  • Added carousel mobile swipe and desktop mobile swipe options under the navigation touch section which allows you to disable the carousel navigation via touch if needed
  • Timeline limit extended to a maximum of 3:00 min
  • Merged the AddOn notices into one single notice
  • Optimized page loading
  • Reduced file sizes for faster loading times
  • Added sharp corners also to shape layers
  • Text decoration style will no longer be applied to row, column and group layers
  • Auto width full height image layers will now respect also the image width in FireFox
  • Importing a package into a folder will no longer return an moving error even thought the slider was properly moved
  • Releasing Mouse outside of Modal windows will not any more close the Modal windows, to support copy/paste within text editors
  • Fixed an issue where the touch/swipe functionality on full slide links in carousel mode was not working properly.
  • Fixed the color animation if the text color has been animated from a different value to the default and the splitted text option was set in character, word or lines mode.
  • Fixed hover animation issues in editor mode where the default filters added an odd black flash effect to the animation start
  • Fixed navigation not working anymore after loading a slider in a modal that has the "Put JS To Body" option set to on
  • Fixed a bug where old carousel sliders do not show all slides even if they should
  • Elements without 3d animation settings will now ignore the transform perspective attribute to render layers on retina displays as sharp as possible
  • Fixed an issue where the navigation arrows lost their thumbnail images after the first slide
  • Fixed an issue where the navigation thumbs of a post based slider would be scaled two times
  • Issue with Ken Burns effect in Firefox's latest browser hes been fixed where the animation stop playing after slide in transform
  • Fixed a very rare bug where JavaScript errors blocked any further functionality in the overview page when a template has been directly installed after updating the AddOns
  • Fixed small glitches in overview page and in editor
  • Scroll navigation in carousel sliders has beed fixed
  • Long Touch and swipe function in Carousel Sliders may made the whole slider container to jump and laggy
  • Fixed an issue where moving sliders from folders to root and back broke with JavaScript error
Fixed google font preload not working properly with italic fonts
Fixed CountDown AddOn where the count down layers were not auto updated within groups, rows and columns. CountDown AddOn version 2.1.1 is required
Carousel animation was laggy if all layers were visible on all slide elements
Carousel did not auto transform to next slide and did not reacted to navigation evens if "snap to X aligment" option was turned off
Carousel Elements sometimes disappearing by Swipe if max amount of elements size smaller then Document width
Fixed exploding layers issues in the editor where a layer can not be moved around in the animation mode. AddOn version 2.1.0 required
Fixed an issue with exploding layers where the animation on Layers with a tag will not animate smoothly. AddOn version 2.1.0 required
Fixed an issue in the core of the Distortion AddOn which was breaking the slider editor in some rare cases
Fixed BubbleMorph shadow options. AddOn version 2.1.0 of the BubbleMorph AddOn is required
Navigation tabs and thumbs vertical scrolling will not scroll the page any more on mobile devices
Fixed Avada Slider Revolution Block (bug came with the 6.1.7 update of RevSlider)
Importing a package into a folder will no longer return an moving error even thought the slider were properly moved
Buttons become unresponsive on mobile (both iOS and Android) if Block Scroll option is turned on
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