The7 - Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress 11.12.1

Download The7 - Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress 11.12.1 from nulled fire. Put simply, The7 is THE most customizable WordPress theme on the market.
New: "back" link url setting for post types.
Improved: theme will now automatically check if it's compatible with your current version of WordPress (and prompt to update it if necessary).
Improved: top bar will now be visible in transparent headers below the slideshow. Attention! If you don't want this feature, simply change the page template to the "microsite" and disable the top bar.
Improved: floating top line color and opacity setting added.
Improved: new "search by" option for search microwidget. You can choose either to search in all post types or only in WooCommerce products.
Improved: social icons updated with "telegram" icon.
Fixed: issue with product carousel not loading images on scroll.
Fixed: issue with duplicated animation on WPB single image.
Fixed: glitch with text microwidget on mobile devices.
Fixed: Issue with autoplay always being enabled on mobile devices in multipurpose carousel.
Fixed: issue with logo overwriting favicon on microsite templates.
Fixed: minor visual issues with icons in microwidgets.
Fixed: minor visual issues with floating top line headers.
Fixed: issue with fancy media element having a grey padding when set to show a self-hosted video.
Fixed: issue with portfolio related projects layout being broken in IE 11.
Fixed: issue with images loading in product carousel.
Fixed: issue with The7 animations in WPBakery shortcodes.
Fixed: issue with microwidgets hover opacity in light preset.
Fixed: potential conflict with plugins that uses TGMA library.
1. Fixed: issue with incorrect menu links when importing a one-page pre-made site.
2. Fixed: microsite "#!/up" link does not work on mobile logo.
3. Fixed: issue with album thumbnails not acting as links (mobile Chrome).
4. Fixed: multipurpose microwidgets are not translatable via WPML.
5. Fixed: text micro widgets shows up twice on mobile devices when set to display in the top bar.
6. Fixed: incorrect active link indication in anchor navigation.
7. Fixed: issue with incorrect items size in carousel.
8. Fixed: "Media Gallery Masonry & Grid". Image with video URL don't load in grid layout.
9. Fixed: submenu text transformation setting not working.
10. Fixed: issue with lightbox not working if image source is an external URL or image size is not specified in shortcode settings.