Total - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme 5.13

Download Total - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme 5.13 from nulled fire. Total is a modern and responsive WordPress theme that combines the power of the WordPress Customizer
ADDED “Justified Gallery” option to the Image Grid (screenshot).
ADDED Code to automatically exclude CSS files from the W3 Total Cache minify function to prevent issues (more info).
ADDED Customizer tab under General Theme Options > Image Overlays so you can alter some of the default options (screenshot).
ADDED Ability to display post featured images for the image swap module.
ADDED Line-height option to the pricing table “Features” tab.
ADDED Filter “wpex_togglebar_state” so you can conditionally modify the state (accepts visible/open or hidden/closed).
ADDED Filter “wpex_togglebar_visibility” to conditionally alter the toggle bar visibility class.
ADDED Filter “wpex_self_hosted_video_bg_attributes” so you can modify the Total WPBakery section/row self hosted video background video tag attributes via custom code if wanted.
UPDATED Total Theme Core plugin to version 1.2.5.
UPDATED Method in which the theme retrieves the cpt-single.php file to prevent issues with custom post types named “video” or “gallery”.
UPDATED Feature Box module to support self-hosted video URL’s for the video field.
UPDATED Breadcrumbs to prevent non-publicly_queryable taxonomy terms from displaying in the crumbs.
UPDATED “wpex_get_shape_dividers_svg” filter to pass the $svg_styles_html and $path_attrs_html variables to make it easier to add custom divider types.
UPDATED Testimonial 2 card to use semibold font weight for the heading instead of bold for consistency.
UPDATED Post Types Unlimited Single Post “Title” setting so you can enter “{{title}}” to display the current title but it will also allow you to enter extra text (screenshot).
UPDATED Optimized javascript for the Total heading and image WPBakery backend preview.
UPDATED wpml-config.xml to include the Section and Row video background fields so they can be translated.
FIXED Issue where WordPress may still think there is an update available for the theme after updating (because of how WP works this fix can’t take affect until the next update so you may experience the bug still on this update).
FIXED Responsiveness for WooCommerce Products when entering a custom width for the media/content in the Customizer.
FIXED Responsive issues with Post Cards module when setting a custom Entry > Media Width value and issue where the custom width was added to certain cards where it shouldn’t have been added.
FIXED Load more issues with the Post Types Archive module when not using a custom card design or grid style entries.
FIXED RTL issues with Total wpbakery modules such as the bullets, breadcrumbs and filter buttons (new vcex-shortcodes-rtl.css file will be loaded instead of vcex-shortcodes.css)
FIXED Breadcrumbs display issues when using Yoast SEO and not using the default breadcrumbs position.
FIXED Breadcrumbs WPBakery module showing Yoast breadcrumbs instead of the theme’s function even if disabled in the Customizer.
FIXED Extra margin added to first item (home) of the WPBakery breadcrumbs module.
FIXED Aria labels not being added to the Gallery slider thumbnails.
FIXED Potential “Trying to access array offset on value of type bool” debug notice in class-resize-image.php when retina image calculation fails.
FIXED Issue with the Heading module displaying fallback text when set to a custom field and the custom field is empty.
ADDED-Options when using the Post Types Unlimited plugin so you can define your custom excerpt length for your post type archives and taxonomies.
ADDED-Filter “vcex_image_flexslider_thumbnails” for modifying the Image Slider thumbnails if needed via a child theme.
ADDED-Filter to prevent WooCommerce 4.6.0 from automatically creating pages on installation to prevent issues with demo imports.
UPDATED-Total Theme Core to version 1.2.4
UPDATED-Card metabox Icon select to display icon preview.
UPDATED-Custom Field shortcode to add an extra check to make sure the custom field value is a “string” to prevent any possible errors when trying to display custom fields saved as other types such as arrays or booleans.
UPDATED-The “wpex_author_box_data” filter to pass on the $post variable to prevent issues with filtering author data when the author box is added via a WPBakery template.
UPDATED-Theme’s video parser functions to allow shortcodes added into the theme settings metabox video field (not really recommended but because it worked previous to the 5.0 update I added the fallback support).
UPDATED-CSS used for the WooCommerce gallery width to prevent possible issues with 3rd party plugins. The CSS used to only target the “.woocommerce-product-gallery” class but it now targets as following “.woocommerce div.product div.images, .woocommerce-page div.product div.images”.
FIXED-Translation issues with card’s read more links.
FIXED-Compatibility issues with the WooCommerce Product Video Gallery plugin.
FIXED-Opacity settings not working in Total WPBakery modules (such as Image Banner) when specifying the % symbol.
FIXED-Default List Item Vertical alignment to be “Top” and not “Centered” to keep consistency with the pre-5.0 update and added a new empty option “Default” to the selector.
FIXED-Potential issue with custom user_contactmethods not working in 3rd party plugins (Total Theme Core fix).
FIXED-Icon Box “Top Icon with Black Background” issue showing the heading with black and not white text.
FIXED-Footer widget Bottom Margin setting not working correctly (it was adding extra margin instead of altering the default padding).
FIXED-Post Types Unlimited related items image overlay option not working when not using a card for the items display.
FIXED-Retina Images not displaying in the WPBakery front-end editor when inserting/editing/cloning modules that support retina.
FIXED-Retina issues with the Total Image module when the image was smaller then it’s parent element.
REMOVED-100% width added to the Image module img tag which was used to fix a bug in older IE browsers but causes issues with retina devices on modern devices and is no longer needed.
ADDED-Functionality so when there is a Total Theme Core plugin update after updating updating the theme it can display in the WP update notification page so you don’t forget to update it (screenshot).
ADDED-Staff 6 Card style (screenshot).
ADDED-Icon Box 5 card style which has a link around the entire card (screenshot).
ADDED-Icon Box 6 card style (screenshot).
ADDED-Simple 6 card style (screenshot).
ADDED-Link preload to the head tag for the theme icons woff2 file (ticons-webfont.woff2) to speed things up in modern browsers.
ADDED-Option when using the Post Types Unlimited plugin to enable Post Series for your custom post type.
ADDED-Icon Box builder module setting for “Icon Shadow” (screenshot).
ADDED-Alignment option to the Bullets module.
ADDED-“wpex_targeted_link_rel” filter to theme functions that add “noopener noreferrer” for easier filtering (sample snippet).
ADDED-Filter “vcex_image_loop_has_wpml_fix” which is disabled by default but can be enabled via a child theme (set filter to true) which fixes WPML issues with the Image Grid and Image Carousel modules when using custom links and your site had switched it’s default primarily language at some point.
ADDED-Theme utility classes for giving specific border sides a custom color so for example if you want to give an element a gray 1px border you would use ‘wpex-border wpex-border-solid wpex-border-gray-300’ now if you want the top border to have a 4px width and use the accent color you can now also add ‘wpex-border-t-4 wpex-border-t-accent’.
UPDATED-Total Theme Core to version 1.2.3
UPDATED-Card meta box icon selector so it’s easier to view the selected icon and you can enter a custom classname if wanted (video preview).
UPDATED-Theme Card API so certain items will check common meta fields first (number, price, rating). For example if you are using the Numbered List 3 card style and want to display a custom number instead of a running number for each card you can define a custom field for your card named “number” with the value you want to display.
UPDATED-CSS for the “flip-drops-smallscreen” class to target WP classes instead of superfish and prevent issues when selecting different dropdown arrow styles in the Customizer (added in 5.0).
UPDATED-Total Theme Core Term_Meta class to allow for upcoming Term/Category accent colors functionality.
FIXED-Top bar placement when only using a custom menu for the top bar content and you have social enabled.
FIXED-Possible PHP debug notice coming from post-thumbnails.php when disabling the theme’s Dynamic Image Resizing
FIXED-Issue with WPBakery Post Grid not displaying when set to “Pagination” style.
FIXED-Typography settings not applied to the editor when using the front-end builder when Editor Styles is enabled in the main Theme Panel.
FIXED-Potential debug error notice with undefined $excerpt_style in various builder modules (caused if the first item in the grid doesn’t have any content and the excerpt is enabled).
FIXED-Social sharing heading font-size when disabling the labels on the social icons.
FIXED-Issue with Image Banner when adding a custom width for the inner content it wasn’t aligning correctly.
FIXED-Potential layout issues caused by the Bullets module when using a custom icon and the editor to align the bullets.
FIXED-Footer bottom customizer padding being added to inner instead of outer div.
FIXED-Issue when using older “color-button” in the footer widgets showing gray text instead of white.
FIXED-Term option to select custom card style not working for custom post type terms.
FIXED-WooCommerce checkout payment options label not displaying correctly next to the radio button.
FIXED-TotalTheme\WPEX_Breadcrumbs not found error when using the CPTUI plugin.