Total - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme 5.13

Download Total - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme 5.13 from nulled fire. Total is a modern and responsive WordPress theme that combines the power of the WordPress Customizer
AddedDemo released – Worship (already available for use).
AddedHeader Style “Flex: Centered Logo” added.
AddedPost Excerpt element added (great for use with dynamic templates).
AddedCard Styles Added – Blog 16, Blog List 16, Blog 17, Blog List 17, Blog 18, Blog List 18, Staff 7, Staff 8.
AddedThe new Blog 18 and Blog List 18 card styles have a clean design and a link around the entire entry (highly requested card style).
AddedYou can now enable “Alternate List Style Card Thumbnail Position” on the Post Cards element that will swap the post card thumbnail between showing on the left or right.
AddedCustom fields (Budget, Company Name, Company URL) added to the portfolio post edit screen Theme Settings tab that can be displayed when creating dynamic templates or via the new “Project Details” portfolio post layout block in the Customizer.
Added“Project Details” block now available under Customize > Portfolio > Single Post > Post Layout Elements (disabled by default).
AddedYou can now enable a select dropdown for smaller screens on the Staff Grid, Portfolio Grid, Blog Grid, Testimonials Grid and Post Type Grids filter.
AddedYou can now choose “Do Not Stack” for the Post Cards Media breakpoint, this way if you are using a left/right card style you can keep that layout for all devices.
AddedYou can now enter a custom “Media Max-Width” for the Post Cards element which provides more control over the thumbnail display. For example if you select 60% for the media width but want to make sure the image is never larger than 200px wide you can now use this field for that.
AddedYou can now enable “Custom Design” on the Social Share element which can be used to display social links differently than the default theme design controlled via the Customizer. This will allow you to display social sharing links in one way at the top of your post and differently at the bottom of a post when creating a Dynamic Template.
AddedLetter spacing field added to the Page Title element.
AddedPost Subheading option added to the Heading element “Text Source” field.
AddedNew setting for the Post Next/Previous Post Links element allows you to disable the text underline when using the “Plain Text” button style.
Added “Font Weight” setting adding to the Contact Form labels tab since the default font weight for the contact form label font weight is semi-bold this will allow you to change it.
Added “Before Text Font Weight” setting added to the Custom Field element.
Added “Label Font Weight” setting added to the Post Meta element.
Added “Extra class name” field in the WPBakery element popup edit box for Total Elements now links to the CSS Framework for quick access to theme classes.
Added“Long Dash” option added the the Post Meta element separator options.
AddedVisibility setting added to the Flex & Grid Container elements.
AddedArial Label setting added to the Button element.
AddedCustomizer option added to control the vertical link padding for your main menu items when using one of the new Flex header styles. This is useful when enabling the “Hover & Active Underline” so you can move the underline closer or farther from the text as well as move the dropdowns closer to the text.
AddedCustomizer option “Top Bar Item Responsive Breakpoint” so you can control when the [topbar_item] shortcode elements stack.
AddedThe Author Bio element now has a new “Alt 5” style to choose from (matches new Blog 17 post card style).
AddedField added to the Post Types Unlimited admin screen so you can change the default read more button text for entries.
UpdatedThe Total Theme Core plugin has been updated to version 1.4.3 and Slider Revolution to version 6.5.24.
UpdatedThe Feature Box element has been updated to use modern flex styles for slimmer code, remove the need for equal height javascript and overall more flexibility.
UpdatedThe Social Links element now uses flex styles to prevent extra spacing from being added below each icon and slim down code.
UpdatedTotal theme element font size fields now accept calc() and clamp() values.
UpdatedTotal theme element font size field displays in full-width now by default to make it easier to add complex font-sizes (screencast).
UpdatedPost Cards element now allows you to enter a custom Column gap value when showing a Grid or a custom List Spacing value when displaying a list.
UpdatedCSS now automatically targets any mega menu heading that has a “#” as the link to set the pointer-events property to none so you don’t have to worry about adding the “nav-no-click” class to your mega menu headings.
UpdatedRenamed the “Bolder” font weight used in Total element settings to “Black” and added “Extra Bold” setting to prevent confusion.
UpdatedThe theme CSS framework Gap classes can now be applied responsively so you can have different gaps at different breakpoints.
UpdatedThe Top Bar “Responsive Breakpoint” setting now allows you to select “None” if you wish to prevent the items from stacking on smaller screen sizes (if stacking is disabled and the Top bar content is too long a horizontal scrollbar will be added).
UpdatedThe Top Bar items (when using the [topbar_item] shortcode) will now stack at 640px instead of 479px for consistency and so they can make use of utility classes.
UpdatedThe Header Aside content field when using a flex header style now has a quick insert button for adding the Social Links shortcode.
UpdatedThe Post Cards element now allows you to select 70% and 80% for your Media Width.
UpdatedThe social share buttons now have better screen reader text when the labels are disabled (when it’s only showing icons)
UpdatedYou can now insert the Social Links and Author Bio elements inside the Flex Container element.
UpdatedThe Email social color button now uses gray instead of yellow to match the social sharing buttons and for better contrast (accessibility).
UpdatedThe Post Cards element will now allow you to display the divider before the first entry when showing a List style grid with the divider enabled.
UpdatedRead more links (archives and cards) now include aria-label text for better accessibility (learn more).
FixedWhen using the Spacing element if you entered a calc() or clamp() value that included a px unit the spacing wouldn’t work correctly.
FixedThe Custom Login “Bottom Links Hover Color” option wasn’t working.
FixedIssue where the Ubermenu mobile menu may not be clickable.
FixedIssue where using a Numbered list with a load more button would reset the counter whenever new items were loaded.
FixedNot being able to scroll when using the popup cart function and having a lot of items in the cart.
FixedImage Banner element was not adding the image alt tag when enabling the “Use Image Tag” setting.
FixedWhen enabling a filter for the first time when using a Total grid element via the WPBakery frontend editor the grid wouldn’t display.
FixedThe Text logo (non image based logo) was not vertically centered when using the Centered Header Logo style.
FixedThe Testimonials 9 Card Style wasn’t adjusting correctly when changing the media width.
FixedCards were not displaying with equal heights when using the CSS Modern Grid Post Cards grid style.
FixedWhen updating bundled plugins even plugins that were not previously activated would be activated after updating.
RemovedCSS that was targeting header menu items to disable pointer events if a link didn’t have an href because it could break 3rd party plugins.
UpdatedSome total element descriptions in the WPBakery insert popup had a period at the end so the periods were removed for consistency.
RemovedThe text underline on the Recent Comments with Avatars widget.
Added:New Card Styles added (Blog 14, Blog 15, Blog List 13, Blog List 14, Blog List 15).
Added:The Post Cards element now allows you to select “Modern CSS Grid” as a Grid Style option.
Updated:Staff 3 Card style now properly extends the white background so each entry has the same height.
Updated:Blog Entry meta date now uses the time element instead of a span to be consistent with the singular meta.
Updated:The Theme Settings “Overlay Header” fields were renamed to “Transparent Header” to keep consistency with the Customizer.
Updated:Newsletter widget to include the “required” attribute when submitting the form.
Fixed:Firefox bug not correctly rendering the Theme Panel toggle arrows.
Fixed:Undefined “$post” error potentially showing in the admin when editing a post.
Fixed:Some fields when editing WPBakery were rendering a bit taller than others.
Fixed:The Transparent Header Offset setting in WPBakery rows was adding a space when using a Flex header style even if the Transparent Header wasn’t enabled on the page.
Fixed:Javascript error when the Site Header was disabled, the Mobile menu was set to Full Screen and there was a Mobile Menu alternative defined.
Fixed:It wasn’t possible to edit the Terms Grid element to remove the title and the description.
  • AddedNew Blockquote Styling options added in the Customizer under the Global Styles tab and Blockquote Typography tab. You can now enable a blockquote border width to switch to a more modern design (screencast).
  • UpdatedCallback function names used in theme elements must now be whitelisted.
  • UpdatedTheme Panel menu item icon now displays Total icon instead of generic cogs.
  • UpdatedThe Header “Logo text” customizer option now allows shortcodes.
  • UpdatedEvents Calendar template to fix issues with duplicate div ID’s being added due to recent plugin changes.
  • UpdatedWhen using the Custom title field in the Theme Settings metabox the theme will now add the “Protected: and Private:” prefixes to the title when the page is set to protected or private to be consistent with WordPress.
  • UpdatedThe Contact form default submit button now says “Submit” instead of “Contact”.
  • FixedHeader One menu position incorrect when using 0px for the menu item horizontal padding.
  • FixedThe Menu button active state was not using the customizer button hover background color.
  • FixedLogo was showing too large when using one of the new Flex header styles, the WPBakery front-end editor and the animated shrink sticky header style.
  • FixedCustomizer “Scroll To Button” typo. Should be “Scroll Top Button”.
  • FixedCentered hamburger menu icon not being centered.
  • FixedPotential Debug notice when using the text block or heading Auto responsive font size (now named Min-Max font size) and also having previously set a responsive default font size.
  • FixedText wasn’t vertically aligned properly in WPBakery select fields when using Firefox.
  • Fixed The load more button was not working if jQuery was loaded after the imagesLoaded script.
  • FixedUndefined “min_font_size” debug notice displaying when the older text block “Responsive Text” setting was enabled but there was never a “Min Font Size” added.
  • FixedNot being able to set your custom text for the blog post page header title.