Improvement: Added tag options for titles in Flipbox. Improvement: iHover style addition. Fix: Info List icon postion in RTL should not change. Fix: Fancy text slide up effect is not working in the Advanced tab. Fix: Advanced carousel dot navigation color option is not working. Fix: Dual button getting collapse in expandable section. Fix: Carousel loading issue in tabs. Fix: Interactive banner-2 title alignment issue. Fix: iHover style not working in Internet Explorer.
- Fix: Element converting into text-blocks.
Improvement: Added div, paragraph and span tag options with heading tags for title in elements. Improvement: Interactive banner – Added Title tags option. Improvement: iHover – Added Title tags option. Improvement: Compress plugin images. Fix: Timeline issue with the link. Fix: Info box alignment issue with icon at right with heading. Fix: Dual button font size and line height option not working. Fix: Hotspot RTL Compatibility. Fix: Just icon tooltip text is not working. Fix: Fatal error for re-declaration class in modules. Fix: Advanced tabs scroll issue on click of tab.