Ultimate Member - User Tags 2.2.9

Download Ultimate Member - User Tags 2.2.9 from nulled fire. Allow users to add tags to their profiles easily
* Tweak: Compatibility with 2.1.4 member directories JS
* Fixed: User Tags-type field validation and visibility
* Fixed: Using keys in User Tags-type field
* Fixed: Trimming options in User Tags filter
* Tweak: Integration with Ultimate Member 2.1.3 and UM metadata table
* Fixed: Additional slashes in individual tag page title
* Fixed: Ignore show after search option at the individual tag page
* Fixed: "Can add tags" capability for user roles
- Fixed: Updating count of the user tags after profile updating
* Fixed: Changed re-init select2 if "Can add tags" is turned on
* Fixed: Don't show the user tags links if base directory isn't selected
* Fixed: User Tags filters displaying on member directories
* Fixed: Notice on update profile