Ultimate Membership Pro 12.9

Download Ultimate Membership Pro 12.9 from nulled fire. Ultimate Membership Pro is the newest and the best Membership WordPress Plugi
- Improve system performance
- Improve Stripe Checkout payment workflow
- Improve PayPal Standard payment workflow
- Improve PayPal Express Checkout payment workflow
- Improve UMP Dashboard style
- Improve UMP Dashboard user experience
- Improve Frontend Showcases
- Improve Compatiblity with WP 5.4.
- Improve Compatibility with PHP 7.4.x
- Improve Initial Setup data
- Improve extra Modules activation process
- Improve User editing workflow
- Fix Notifications content management
- Fix special characters on custom messages
- Fix Stripe amount for specific currencies
- Fix cuomst attributes into Register page URL
- ADD Compatiblity with LocoTranslate plugin
- ADD Environment verification process
- ADD Default Country value option
- ADD Extra details on Users table
- Improve Envato API integration
- Integrate Envato API
- Fix Import Users&Levels module
- Improve WP security
- Improve system performance
- Fix Elementor Widgets integration
- Fix Dashboard counts
- Improve Mollie Single Payment workflow