Ultimate Membership Pro 12.8

Download Ultimate Membership Pro 12.8 from nulled fire. Ultimate Membership Pro is the newest and the best Membership WordPress Plugi
- Fix MembersList Filter order
- Improve MembersList module workflow
- Improve compatibility with any WP Theme
- Improve Workflow Restriction
- Fix List Access Post module workflow for drip content
- Add Filter search based on username
- Improve Payza webhook workflow
- Fix WooCommerce Account Page UMP Tab
- Fix Stripe payment with 100% Coupon
- Improve Notifications workflow for expired Levels
- Improve MembersList Search option
- Fix PayPal Refund process.
- Improve Users Search keywords
- Improve Texts and default messages
- Fix Payza missing Label
- Fix Braintree missing Label
- Improve Invitation Code workflow
- Improve Account Page Orders list
- Improve queries requests
- Fix Price format
- Improve custom Currencies workflow
- Fix transactions amount during Notifications process
- Fix Date format display
- Fix Cancel subscriptions for PayPal platform
- Improve Notifications for expire reminders
- "Replace Content" workflow improvements
- Improve SQL queries calls
- Fix Levels keys issue
- Improve State field workflow
- Fix Coupon codes incrementation
- Fix special empty queries
- Update to WooCommerce 3.0
- Fix MembersList isssues
- Improve MembersList Search workflow
- Improve WooCommerce Products Discount module
- Fix Custom Fields checkbox workflow
- Improve Notifications for Bank Transfer
- Improve Notifications Before/After Level expires
- Improve PayPal IPN workflow
- Fix WP Workflow Restrictions for Post Views condition
- Convert to Mailster plugin
- Improve Invidation Code workflow