UpdraftPlus Premium

Download UpdraftPlus Premium from nulled fire. UpdraftPlus is the World's leading backup, restore and migration WordPress plugin.
  • FIX: Fix an issue that causing corruption of interrupted Dropbox backups. All Dropbox users are recommended to update asap.
  • TWEAK: Fix a regression that prevented information about a faulty WP scheduler from being shown in recent releases (incomplete fix in 1.12.34)
  • TWEAK: submit_button() needs to be available (possible UpdraftCentral fatal when requesting filesystem creds)
  • TWEAK: Remove an ES5 JavaScript construct (incompatible with some old browsers)
  • TWEAK: Fix incorrect variable name in routine that triggered WP automatic update check
  • TWEAK: Fix a logic error whereby if Google Drive and Google Cloud were both in use and partially set up, a notice about completing the setup of Cloud could fail to show
  • FEATURE: Added the ability to allow other plugins to call an automatic backup more easily
  • FEATURE: Added the ability to select which tables you want to backup when using the 'Backup now' modal (Premium)
  • FIX: Re-scanning a Dropbox that contained more than 1000 backup archives only fetched the first 1000 (this was previously awaiting on Dropbox fixing a related bug on their API servers).
  • FIX: Escape table names to allow table names with hyphens in, when reading data
  • FIX: The "Advanced Tools" tab was appearing with no contents if you chose an unwritable backup directory (regression)
  • TRANSLATIONS: Remove bundled Swedish (sv), Spanish (Spain) (es_ES) and Czeck (Čeština‎, cs_CZ) translations, since these are now retrieved from wordpress.org.
  • TWEAK: Prevent a JavaScript message being logged when loading UD infrastructure on non-UD settings pages (e.g. plugins that integrate to do backups via UD)
  • TWEAK: Make it easier for other plugins to get/set UpdraftPlus options with less code
  • TWEAK: Make sure that the get_plugins() function is available before using it when generating notices
  • TWEAK: Add the updraftplus_exclude_directory and updraftplus_exclude_file filters allowing arbitrary backup exclusions from code
  • TWEAK: When requesting a download, work around buggy browser/server that continued after Connection: close
  • TWEAK: Add a work-around for a bug in some server/Firefox combinations in handling of the Content-Length header with non-ASCII characters
  • TWEAK: Cause an informational message to be shown in the Rackspace module if php-json is not enabled
  • TWEAK: Fix a regression that prevented information about a faulty WP scheduler from being shown in recent releases
  • TWEAK: Made alert regarding plupload's 'HTTP -200' error, when upload of file fails, more informative.
  • FEATURE: Add UpdraftCentral (UpdraftCentral - UpdraftPlus) UpdraftVault listener
  • FEATURE: Encryption and decryption is now chunked, meaning that large databases of any size can be encrypted without being prevented by memory limits
  • FIX: Fix a bug whereby if a backup set containing a manual "more files" element was imported via a remote scan, then an error would show concerning it when attempting to restore.
  • FIX: On certain combinations of changing the "more files to back up" settings, these changes might not be reflected in the "Backup Now" dialog without a page reload
  • FIX: Remove a PHP 5.5+-only construction that crept into 1.12.31
  • TWEAK: Allow UpdraftCentral command classes to provide commands via the __call method
  • TWEAK: Move the existing backups table into the templating system
  • TWEAK: When trying to restore before cleaning up a previous restore, the detailed error message shown needed tweaking
  • TWEAK: Some refactoring of the dashboard JavaScript, to abstract/harmonise all AJAX calls
  • TWEAK: Removed the triple click and replaced it with standard double click
  • TWEAK: Some refactoring of the UpdraftCentral command interface, to facilitate reduction of duplicated dashboard control code
  • TWEAK: One less HTTP round-trip when deleting from the dashboard
  • TWEAK: Updated advanced tools to allow UpdraftCentral to use wipe settings and export / import
  • TWEAK: Revamped the 'Premium / Extensions' tab in the free version
  • TWEAK: Work around HTTP 400 error from Dropbox on servers with several-year old version of curl, caused by bad interaction between curl and Dropbox over a specific header
  • TWEAK: Add a notice advising of WP-Optimize (WP-Optimize — WordPress Plugins) to the available notices
  • TWEAK: Prevent an unwanted PHP log notice when using Google Drive
  • TWEAK: More file directories are now added using a directory browser
  • TWEAK: Update plugin update checker library (paid versions) to version 3.1, which fixes some PHP 7 issues