User Role Editor Pro 4.64.4

Download User Role Editor Pro 4.64.4 from nulled fire. User Role Editor Pro can change/add/delete WordPress user roles and capabilities.
  • New: Front-end menus admin access add-on: Block access to the front-end (navigation) menus under “Appearance->Menu” for selected role.
  • Core version was updated to 4.52.1
  • Update: URE requires PHP version 5.6.
  • Update: ure_cpt_editor_roles filter was added. It takes 2 parameters: array $roles with 1 element ‘administrator’ by default and $post_type with post type name string. Add other role(s) to which you wish automatically add all user capabilities for custom post type $post_type. URE updates roles this way before opening “Users->User Role Editor” page.
  • Update: New own URE Pro user capability ‘ure_nav_menus_access’ was added. It allows to manage what front-end menus will be available for selected role.
  • New: Content View Restrictions add-on: It’s possible to add view restrictions directly to post categories or any other custom taxonomies.
  • Update: Meta boxes access add-on: It’s possible to block/hide “Page Attributes” Gutenberg sidebar component blocking “Page”->”Page Attributes” meta box.
  • Fix: Content view restrictions add-on: Redirection from not available for view front/home page works as expected (“Page not found” error message was shown earlier).
  • Fix: Admin menu access add-on: When menu link is the same as the link of the single unblocked submenu item (all the rest items of the same submenu were blocked), menu link was removed as a blocked one.
  • Fix: Export single role: Exported file may lose 1-2 last characters and get wrong extension (.pdf in addion to expected .dat). Content type header was replaced with ‘application/octet-stream’;
  • Fix: Import single role: Error processing was enhanced for the cases of incorrect JSON data input. URE shows error message now instead of page reload in silence.
  • Fix: Settings->User Role Editor->Multisite->Activate access restrictions to User Role Editor for single site administrator: after turning ON this option URE produced PHP fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method URE_Lib_Pro::filter_existing_caps_input() in /wp-content/plugins/user-role-editor-pro/pro/includes/classes/settings-pro.php on line 192
  • Update: Admin menu access add-on: Extra menu separators (if they follow one by one) are removed automatically.
  • Fix: Edit restrictions add-on: Restricted categories was available for selection in Gutenberg.
  • Core version was updated to 4.51.3:
  • Fix: line #281 at /includes/classes/view.php called to the not existing class property.
  • Fix: Dialog button labels inside User Role Editor (‘Cancel’ buttons especially) were shown with not correct translation or not translated at all.
  • Fix: Roles have saved in alphabet order after any role update. Roles order in the database is not changed now. Sorting is made for a view purpose only.
  • Update: Roles sorting inside WordPress roles dropdown lists is switched OFF by default. In order to switch WP roles dropdown lists sorting ON, return TRUE from ‘ure_sort_wp_roles_list’ filter.