User Role Editor Pro 4.64.4

Download User Role Editor Pro 4.64.4 from nulled fire. User Role Editor Pro can change/add/delete WordPress user roles and capabilities.
New: custom filter ‘ure_hide_fe_menu_if_content_view_prohibited’ allows to not hide front-end menu item, if linked page is prohibited for view to current user.
Update: Other roles access add-on: It’s possible to use this add-on against ‘administrator’ role under WordPress multisite. Return FALSE from ‘ure_not_block_other_roles_for_local_admin’ filter for this purpose.
Fix: Other roles access add-on:
– Users with blocked role(s) were shown for “Block not selected” model.
– Users quantity at the top roles links/filters were counted wrong way.
Core version was updated to 4.53:
Update: “Add role”, “Delete role”, “Rename role”, “Add capability”, “Delete capability” do not reload full page on completion, but use AJAX for data exchange with server and refresh parts of the page via JavaScript.
Update: Multisite: “Allow non super administrators to create, edit, and delete users” option: priority for ‘map_meta_cap’ filter priority was raised from 1 to 99, in order make possible to overwrite changes made by other plugins, like WooCommerce.
Fix: Some English grammar mistakes.
New: Other roles access add-on: Use custom ‘ure_other_roles_access’ filter to change restrictions for user dynamically. Filter takes 2 input parameters: 1) $blocked (array) – restrictions for current user; 2) $user (WP_User) – current user.
Fix: Other roles access add-on:
– It was not possible to edit user from the users list, when “Not selected” model is turned ON.
– There was a bug in processing roles with similar role IDs, like ‘customer’, ‘wholesaler_customer’. When you blocked ‘customer’ role, script automatically blocked similar role ‘wholesaler_customer’.
Core version was updated to 4.52.2
Fix: Custom capabilities for custom post types was not created by URE automatically since version 4.52.1.
Fix: ‘administrator’ role protection did not show to power users roles with ‘administrator’ word inside, like ‘shop_administrator’, etc.
New: Multisite: “Network Admin->Users->User Role Editor->Network Update” URE Pro uses by default the main blog as a source of add-ons settings to replicate for all network. New custom filter ‘ure_get_addons_source_blog’ allows to use as a source blog any other existing subsite. Filter accepts single parameter – main blog ID by default. User this filter to return ID of blog/subsite which you wish to use as a source of add-ons settings for all other subsites.
Fix: PHP Notice: Undefined variable: post_id in /wp-content/plugins/user-role-editor-pro/pro/includes/classes/content-view-restrictions-editor.php on line 150