User Role Editor Pro 4.64.2

Download User Role Editor Pro 4.64.2 from nulled fire. User Role Editor Pro can change/add/delete WordPress user roles and capabilities.
-Update: Widgets admin access add-on: It’s possible now to block the access to sidebars (widgets areas) created by a user with help of Divi theme.
-Fix: Content view restrictions add-on: ‘warning index not defined’ (content-view-restrictions-posts-list.php, line #395) was fixed.
-Core version was updated to 4.44:
-Update: URE had executed ‘profile_update’ action after update of user permissions from the user permissions editor page: Users->selected user->Capabilities. It was replaced with ‘ure_user_permissions_update’ action now. It will allow to exclude conflicts with other plugins – “WP Members” [lost checkbox fields values](Topic: Conflict with WP-MEMBERS |, for example.
-Update: Additional options for role (like “Hide admin bar” at the bottom of URE page) did not applied to the user with ‘ure_edit_roles’ capability. This condition was removed.
-Update: fix PHP notice ‘Undefined offset: 0 in …’ at includes/classes/protect-admin.php, not_edit_admin(), where the 1st element of $caps array not always has index 0.
-Update: PHP required version was increased up to 5.4.
-Core version was updated to 4.43:
-Update: references to non-existed roles are removed from the URE role additional options data storage after any role update.
-Fix: Additional options section view for the current role was not refreshed properly after other current role selection.
* New: support for new user capabilities introduced by WordPress 4.9.6 was added: manage_privacy_options (Settings->Privacy), export_others_personal_data (Tools->Export Personal Data), erase_others_personal_data (Tools->Erase Personal Data).
* Fix: Divi theme et_pb_layout (Divi Library) custom post type (CPT) was unavailable even for admin when "Force custom post types to use their own capabilities" URE option was turned ON.
et_pb_layout CPT is not available by default at User Role Editor pages (users.php), and we have to tell Divi to load et_pb_layout for URE pages via Divi's custom filter 'et_builder_should_load_framework'.