Complete GDPR / AVG Cookie Consent WordPress plugin (WeePie Cookie Allow) 3.4.8

Download Complete GDPR / AVG Cookie Consent WordPress plugin (WeePie Cookie Allow) 3.4.8 from nulled fire. Easy & Complete Cookie Consent Plugin. Comply to different Cookie Law implementations
fixed: Only log PHP errors with WP_DEBUG mode true during automatic cookie blocking
fixed: An error occured calling preg_replace_callback() context head by wrong if condition
fixed: Fatal error: call to undefined method WpieMiscHelper::getPregLastError()

NEW: consent logging (bèta)
NEW: Cookie Categories (bèta)
NEW: Facebook Pixel Code
NEW: Blocking custom HTML elements (given a CSS id or class, hook only)
NEW: show the Accept button when the Reset consent button is not visible
NEW: option to show/hide the bar/box on the Cookie Policy Page
fixed: PHP notice: Array to string conversion
fixed: PHP Notice: Undefined index
fixed: PHP Exception: Parts array is not valid for {3rd party type}: head or body entry not found
fixed: replacing scripts in body with comment instead of placeholder element
fixed: JavaScript Missing global param” exception
fixed: not blocking script from plugin YouTube Embed Plus
fixed: not blocking googleplus inline scripts
fixed: not blocking pinterest inline scripts
fixed: Twitter timeline widget not blocked
fixed: typos in settings xml
added: module consent-log
added: settings XML file for tab “Consent Log”
added: XML settings fields for cookie categories
added: 3rd party blocking for: Active Campaign, Cxense, Facebook Pixel Code, Hotjar
added: 3rd party blocking for: HubSpot, LikeBtn, LinkedIn Insight,, OneSignal
added: 3rd party blocking for: Pardot, Pinterest, Sumo,, Twitter ads, WP Stats, Zopim
added: frontend JavaScript event custom wpca.consent:after to hook into the code after consent
added: frontend JavaScript event custom wpca.decline:after to hook into the code after decline
added: frontend JavaScript event custom to hook into the code after settings has been saved
added: attribute “cc” to shortcode “wpca_cookie_allow_code”
added: question for an example of an embed code inside the missing 3rd party email body
added: hook: wpca_automate_extra
added: hook: wpca_automate_regex_allowed_local_locations
added: hook: wpca_cookie_categies
added: hook: wpca_node_names_body_no_replacement_element
added: hook: wpca_log_needed
added: hook: wpca_read_all_args
added: hook: wpca_log_list_table_columns
improvement: show accept button when reset button is hided
improvement: splitted up automate templ files so that table is a separate templ
improvement: AJAX refresh the 3rd party table list
improvement: highlight new items in 3rd party table list after refresh
improvement: add logic to block scripts from plugin ot theme folder
improvement: use $_REQUEST instead of $_GET
improvement: added JavaScript log en alert wrapper function to WPCAGLOBAL
improvement: settings warning when user unchecks “Automatic cookie blocking” (formerly “Live blocking”)
NEW: added Amazon adsystem to 3rd parties
fixed: custom styles are not loaded when box/bar is hided
improved: splitted up more regular expressions with comments for readability
improved: added check for matching subdomains when URL (for iFrames and script src) in starts with a dot (.)