Complete GDPR / AVG Cookie Consent WordPress plugin (WeePie Cookie Allow) 3.4.8

Download Complete GDPR / AVG Cookie Consent WordPress plugin (WeePie Cookie Allow) 3.4.8 from nulled fire. Easy & Complete Cookie Consent Plugin. Comply to different Cookie Law implementations
NEW: implented WeePie Framework 2.0 (as framework folder)
NEW: support for Envato Market auto-updating plugin
fixed: missing alt attribute in placeholder image
fixed: 3rd party blocking for Facebook pixel inline script
fixed: 3rd party blocking for Twitter inline script
fixed: ipv6 ip-addresses not working
fixed: error during multisite activation caused by the geo module
fixed: global consent setting not working for multisite sub folder
fixed: typo in plugin description
added: Composer for autoloading new Maxmind to GeoIP2 PHP API
added: 3rd party blocking for: Facebook Web Plugins, Drift, Google adwords remarketing and Spotify
improvement: WeePie framework no need to activate as plugin anymore
improvement: security enhancements
improvement: 3rd party support for multiple html elememts
improvement: updated Maxmind to GeoIP2 PHP API (exclude non-EU website visitors)
improvement: exlude plugin name from being translatable
improvement: minor text change for 3rd party toggle link
removed: upgrade notice regarding 3rd party list
removed: global JavaScript file (WeePie Framework now has a wpie-common.js file)
updated: copyright texts to 2019
NEW: setting: optional page reload after consent
NEW: setting: disable the plugin for non-EU website visitors (hide bar/box, don’t block cookies etc.) (beta)
fixed: Cookie Category settings box <h2> (and other inner elements) can be overriden by other CSS
fixed: Cookie Settings shortcode not rendered in the bar
fixed: don’t show raw shortcodes when the plugin is disabled
fixed: Cookie Category settings box checkboxes still being cached
fixed: IE11 JavaScript SCRIPT 438 error caused by
fixed: IE11 shows <template> placeholder tag
fixed: TinyMCE strips <wpca-block> element when switching editor mode
fixed: commas should be semicolons in initBlocking() JavaScript function
fixed: http in source code should be https for
added: 3rd party blocking for: Twitter and Facebook by Jetpack, Elfsight YouTube Gallery
improvement: try to let placeholder inherit width and height from blocked content (beta)
improvement: added * for query all in consent log description (i)
improvement: automatic check “Automatic cookie blocking” when 1 or more items are checked in the 3rd parties list
fixed: JavaScript blocking logic in firefox not working optimal

NEW: caching preventive: show/hide logic for the bar/box is now completely handled client-side
NEW: caching preventive: blocking of cookie scripts, iFrames and custom HTML elements is now done client-side (without page refresh)
NEW: caching preventive: possibility to send no caching headers
NEW: possibility to anonymize IP addresses for consent logging
NEW: possibility to filter IP addresses at the "Consent log" settings tab
NEW: possibility to delete logged consents
NEW: possibility to apply consents network wide for multisite
NEW: possibility to always show the "Reset cookies button"
fixed: mobile: the bar reappears when scrolling while decline button is clicked
fixed: mobile: the bar reappears when scrolling while accept button is clicked
fixed: automate logic fails if invalid content exists between <head> and <body>
fixed: scripts with <script> strings are not matched by the regex pattern
fixed: wrong buffer output return value (void) on empty buffer
fixed: don't show "Keep anonymized Google Analytics" option when "Cookies before consent" is set to "Google Analytics"
fixed: missing switch statement break in consent logging JS
fixed: fatal error caused by $this in anonymous callback
fixed: domain mapping installs having wrong cookie params
fixed: automate process in not using 'checked' 3rd parties but uses all
fixed: show only selected 3rd parties in cookie categort settings box
fixed: make it possible to translate the cookie categories labels on the front-end (with POT-file)
added: (or updated) 3rd party blocking for: Disqus, Jotform, Pinterest, FaceBook, TripAdviser, StatCounter, likebutton
added: check for module existence to prevent fatal errors in module init() methods when modules are not ready
added: query var "wpca_no_cache_headers" to enable the no cache headers
added: hook: wpca_automate_allowed_src_attributes
added: hook: wpca_automate_before_buffer_end
added: hook: wpca_automate_after_buffer_end
added: suffix <!--[wpca_mrkd]--> to 'marked' content
added: $matches arg to wpca_replacement_text filter
added: empty blocked.js file
added: empty blocked.html file
added: JavaScript frontend custom event "wpca.reset:after"
improvement: frontend JavaScript: adding new functions, reducing public functions, new params and better scopes
improvement: frontend JavaScript: implemented PHP logic as JavaScript logic
improvement: 3rd party/privacy sensitive content is now only 'marked' instead of 'blocked' server-side (caching preventive)
improvement: added check for href attribute to automate html element (html_elem)
improvement: moved css hover logic for consent log rows to the module stylesheet
improvement: moved hook wpca_multisite_give_global_consent to WpcaFrontend::_setCookieParams() method
improvement: better readability of the YouTube and Vimeo regexes
improvement: in instagram regex
improvement: added missing version number to scripts and styles
improvement: removed URI search patterns from module Automate