WHMpress - WHMCS WordPress Integration Plugin 6.2-revision-5

Download WHMpress - WHMCS WordPress Integration Plugin 6.2-revision-5 from nulled fire. WHMpress is made for web hosts with flexibility in mind.
- Domain search ajax extended shortcode to work with WCOP/ WCAP
- removed shortcodes related to legacy version of client area
- Admin dashboard improvements

- colors implemented for pricing tables from shortcode
- removed cloud flare hosted files
- pricing not showing bug fixed in domain search ajax
- domain search extended only show if CAP or COP is installed

- fixed bug > domain search ajax not accepting default parameters for trailing zeros and decimals.

- implimented tooltips and custom list icons
- Added new paramters to pricing table shortcode to accumodate tooltips, icons, and a new parameter to not process.

- Fixed domain register links for WHMCS

- Fixed domain_search_ajax (was showing extra domains even if were skipped).

- removed extra text from simple-1 pricing template

- Tax support implimented in price_i shortcode

- Added slick slider in WHMPress > removed from WPCT

- Fixed issues with duration conversion codes to be used with WPCT

- Fixed smarty template bug for domain search ajax, converted to lower before comparing parameters

- Fixed duraiton style and duration connector correctly in pricing tables.
- Domain search bulk rendering is now fixed.
- Order link for domain now opens in a new window
- improvements in verify process

- Pricing tables are now following the price format given in WP settings.

- Added missing currency suffix in whmpress-9 and easyweb custom tables. Pending in rest.

- Domain search extended is now honoring the next URL, same page divs are not supported.

- Domain search bulk, parameters and templates are implimented.

- domain search extended improvements

- changed translation context for admin strings

- changed translation context for admin strings
- fixed message for domain_search_extended shortcode
- trasnlated some untrasnlated strings in default strings
- removed option for debug info to be mailed to author

- Improved domain_price shortcode with new functions.
- Add new URL override Parameter in pricing table shortcode
- prefix, suffix problem in domain search ajax is resolved.
Tested with WHMCS 7.4.1
Fixed - bug in domain whois link fixed
Fixed - bug in transfer link to direct WHMCS
Fixed- removed shortcodes related to legacy version of client area
New- Domain search ajax extended shortcode to work with WCOP/ WCAP
Fixed - remove pre tag from order combo page
Fixed - fixed a bug in check plugin activation
Improved - refined URL generation in relation to COP, CAP and WHMCS
Improved - refactored domain search whois code
Improved - refactored code and removed refrences of lagacy client area
Fixed - Fixed VC latest version bug: all shortcodes now work with VC
Fixed - Fixed Cron Jobs bug, that will keep adding the cron jobs again and again in WP
Improved - Changed currency session from "currency" to "whcom_currency"
New - compatibility with WP 4.9
New - URLs updated to match with new client area scheme
Fixed - UTF-8 encoding bug removed