Product Filter for WooCommerce 9.1.1

Download Product Filter for WooCommerce 9.1.1 from nulled fire. Product Filter for WooCommer is all in one filter for every shop! It’s a must have for any WordPress
- fixed automatic updates not working
- fixed term includes and support special characters
- fixed mobile filter interference bugs
- fixed rtl support
- fixed taxonomies, categories etc. lost on filtering
- fixed WooCommerce shortcode pagination issues/missing query on cached products
- fixed description bugs in AJAX mode
- fixed up the admin area strings and reorganized a few options for simpler use
- fixed category loop and mobile/handheld preset bug
- fixed price filters and wpml issues
- added infinite scroll! no more silly plugins, just use PF infinite scroll!
- added new browser history system, now a lot better and smoother!
- added option to disable certain templates after AJAX title, description, show results, orderby
- added filter prdctfltr_before_ajax_json_send
- added filter prdctfltr_localize_javascript for javascript parameters localization
- fixed 3.2.4 product shortcodes support
- fixed range filters grid_num and step when using taxonomies
- fixed range filter custom order for taxonomies
- fixed pagination issues where page 10 returns page 1
- fixed not including advanced or range filter terms option after creating a new filter
- fixed issues with category display in loops
- fixed query filters firing outside product filter product loops, this fixes some mayor issues when AJAX is used
- fixed PF shortcode instock_products, sale_products and similar parameters that were failing
- fixed non-ajax searches are lost
- fixed products default ordering issues and bugs
- fixed after AJAX scroll to products and improved scripts
- fixed after AJAX products animation
- fixed widget filter, shortcode and a search filter on the same page
- fixed some bugs with shortcodes and widgets
- fixed ajax admin blocks
- fixed clear search
- fine tuned some specific theme installations, check yours!
- removed admin translations entirely
- reworked adoptive dependency. now you can select only one taxonomy which was the original idea