WooCommerce Product Search 5.4.0

Download WooCommerce Product Search 5.4.0 from nulled fire. Make sure customers find what they want when they search your site.
* WooCommerce 5.5 compatible.
* Requires at least WooCommerce 5.0.
* WordPress 5.8+ full widgets block editor compatibility.
* Full block editor compatibility with new blocks added for all search and filter facilities provided by the extension.
* Added the Product Search Field block.
* Added the Product Filter – Search block.
* Added the Product Filter – Category block.
* Added the Product Filter – Attribute block.
* Added the Product Filter – Price block.
* Added the Product Filter – Rating block.
* Added the Product Filter – Reset block.
* Added the Product Filter – Sale block.
* Added the Product Filter – Stock block.
* Added the Product Filter – Tag block.
* Added the Product Filter – Products block.
* Blinded inline scripts against unwanted modification during content rendering (wptexturize etc).
* Added the woocommerce_product_search_is_shop filter.
* Added the woocommerce_product_search_is_shop() API function.
* Added support for shop_only attributes on filter shortcodes and corresponding API functions.
* Fixed automated search filter output in wp_footer corrupting responses to certain JSON requests, e.g. filter block output for ServerSideRender.
* Fixed Javascript errors when trying to set properties of certain document elements when absent.
* Removes the assistant as it is superfluous if the widgets block editor is used. The block browser can be used instead.
* Requires fully updated database, removed backward-compatibility for configurations that have no object_term table.
* WordPress 5.8 compatible.
* WooCommerce 5.4 compatible.
* Fixed add-to-cart links produced for variable products when the option to "Enable AJAX add to cart buttons on archives" is disabled, the button would yield the shop page with an error shown instead of taking to the product page.
* Added the French translation.
* Fixed translation errors.
* Updated and added missing translations.
* Avoid redirect loops caused by $requested_url transformation done in wp-includes/canonical.php's redirect_canonical() that changes urlencoded() characters in uppercase to lowercase and causes a comparison failure with the $redirect_url.
* Added the woocommerce_product_search_avoid_redirect_canonical_loops filter.
* Removed options to Use the Shop URL and use_shop_url that are not needed and could inadvertently originate inconsistent results.
* Added Product Filter – Stock widget.
* Added [woocommerce_product_filter_stock] shortcode.
* Added woocommerce_product_search_filter_stock() API function.
* Added woocommerce_product_search_filter_stock_stock_counts filter.
* Added woocommerce_product_search_filter_stock_product_ids_by_stock_status filter.
* Added the woocommerce_product_search_service_post_ids_for_request action.
* Fixed disabled live filtering on category, attribute or tag filters had no effect.
* Added the Filter option to the Product Filter – Price widget, allows to disable live filtering via price input fields and slider.
* WordPress 5.8 compatible.
* WooCommerce 5.2 compatible.
* Requires at least WordPress 5.5.
* Requires at least WooCommerce 4.9.