WooCommerce Subscriptions 6.2.0

Download WooCommerce Subscriptions 6.2.0 from nulled fire. Let customers subscribe to your products or services and pay on a weekly, monthly or annual basis.
* Fix: Update subtracted tax amounts to account for quantity changes. PR#4107
* Fix: Correctly remove limited coupons (i.e. "Active for x payments") when the coupon code is made up of only numeric characters. PR#4139
* Fix: Only set subtracted taxes on new items when the rates don't match the base location. PR#4177
* Fix: Hide variable subscription meta fields on the Edit Product page of custom variable products. PR#4193
* Fix: Use the shipping fields to get and save the edit subscription shipping field data. PR#4161
* Fix: Fix TypeError exceptions by checking for WC_Order types inside wcs_get_subscriptions_for_order(). PR#4188
* Fix: Incorrect subtracted tax calculations when updating the subscription when the store currency uses a comma decimal separator. PR#4182
* Fix: Hide the shipping address fields on checkout when the cart contains a subscription product and the 'Force shipping to billing address' setting is selected. PR#4172
* Fix: Get the signup fee for coupon calculation inclusive or excluding tax depending on store settings. PR#4166
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* Fix: Points and Rewards discounts (including WC Coupons when Points and Rewards is active) being removed from the cart when applied on the checkout page.
* Fix: Subscriptions with one-time shipping having shipping charged on all renewal orders.
* Fix: Rare fatal error caused by missing WC_Query class.
* Fix: Make loading the variation edit product tab more performant on large sites.
* Fix: Add a primary key to the last payment temporary table to improve compatibility with some hosts on larger sites.
* Tweak: Update the wording when a customer edits their subscription address that this applies to "future renewals".
* Dev: Add missing `woocommerce_rest_pre_insert_shop_subscription_object` filter to prepare_object_for_database() within the Subscriptions REST API controller class.
* Dev: Add a `data-payment-method` attribute to the Early Renewal modal button action.
* Fix: Switch calculations not correctly charging the full sign up fee when the "Prorate Sign up Fee" option is set to "Never (charge the full sign up fee)". PR#4096
* Fix: Fixes PayPal Reference Transactions integration with Checkout blocks. PR#4105
* Fix: Set the updated payment token on all pending-payment renewals so that manually retrying a failed payment uses the updated token set on the subscription. PR#4108
* Dev: Moved the `WC_Subscriptions::enqueue_scripts` and` WC_Subscriptions::equeue_styles` static functions to the new `WC_Subscriptions_Frontend_Scripts` class (deprecated existing functions). PR#4104