WoodMart - Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme 7.5.1

Download WoodMart - Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme 7.5.1 from nulled fire. WoodMart is a premium theme optimized for creating WooCommerce online stores.
NEW VERSION: Furniture 2
NEW FEATURE: Dynamic discounts. (Docs)
NEW FEATURE: Product sold counter. (Docs)
ADDED: “Video” element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Marquee” element. (Video, Demo)
ADDED: “Nested carousel” element. (Video)
ADDED: New product hover “Buttons on hover”. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Product category style “Zoom out”. (Screenshot)
ADDED: New blog design “List”. (Screenshot)
ADDED: New style “Primary” to “Social buttons” element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Shape “Rounded” to “Social buttons” element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: New “Search” element form style. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Show HTML Blocks” option to “Mobile menu” header element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: New “One column” layout to header row options. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Custom social links to “Social buttons” element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Design “Simple” to mega menu element with vertical orientation. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Icon alignment option to mega menu element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Star rating to “Icons and add to cart on hover” product loop design. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Background image option for “Infobox” element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Icon spacing option to “Infobox” element in WPBakery, Elementor and Header builder. (Screenshot)
ADDED: The ability to choose a custom icon to “Visitor counter” element in Layouts. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Layout “Inline” to “Product additional information table” element in Layouts. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Hide image” and “Hide name” option to “Product additional information table” element in Layouts. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Video background in “Promo Banner” element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Video in “Image Hotspot” element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Icon color selection in “Image Hotspot” element. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Icon on hover option to “Image Hotspot” element. (Video)
ADDED: “Categories rounding” option in theme settings. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Blog options in theme settings: “Title for posts”, “Meta information”, “Post text”, “Read more button”. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Single product gallery combined grid layout “2:3:2” and “1:2”. (Screenshot, Video)
ADDED: Option to selection of the number of thumbnails in single product gallery grid from 1 to 6. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
ADDED: Option to change gap between thumbnails in single product gallery grid. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Option to disable carousel on mobile devices on single product gallery grid. (Screenshot)
ADDED: rel=”nofollow” attribute for stock status widget. (Topic)
ADDED: Show reviews count on product loop. (Video)
ADDED: Delete outdated Instagram images option. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Save compare button state after adding in compare list.
ADDED: “Apply all” button for patcher page. (Screenshot, Topic)
ADDED: “Load text domain” option in Theme settings.
ADDED: “Show stock quantity” option for product grid. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Quantity buttons to “On variation click” quick shop type. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Responsive thumbnails per slide with thumbnails position left. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Product archive “Filtered by stock status” condition. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Show checkboxes” option to “Woodmart WooCommerce Layered Nav” widget. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Helper tooltip with icon unicode to the Typography -> Icon Fonts section in Theme Settings. (Video)
ADDED: “Heading background” option for “Tabs” and “AJAX Products tabs” elements. (Screenshot)
ADDED: “Form height” option for “AJAX search” element and header search. (Screenshot)
ADDED: Discord messenger follow button to “Social button” element. (Screenshot)
CSS: Refactored product hover styles.
CSS: Refactored “Infobox” element styles.
CSS: Refactored single product gallery grid.
CSS: Refactored styles on cart and checkout pages.
CSS: Refactored Heading in “Tabs” and “AJAX Products tabs” elements.
FIXED: Product archive background option.
FIXED: Limit swatches with linked product variation.
FIXED: “Infobox Carousel” element bottom space in WPBakery page builder.
FIXED: Age verify popup closing on mobile. (Topic)
FIXED: Collapsible content with disabled “Optimized DOM output” option. (Topic)
FIXED: Header banner link z-index with HTML-block content. (Topic)
FIXED: Woodmart dashboard header for users with non-admin role. (Topic)
FIXED: Menu item label in main header navigation. (Topic)
FIXED: Change product image on attribute click with quick shop on variation click.
FIXED: Init open street map in popup element.
FIXED: List element translates with WPML.
FIXED: Render multiple markers content in google map element. (Topic)
FIXED: Duplicate WooCommerce structured data generation. (Topic)
FIXED: Output content in section title element issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Scrolling issue with “YITH Frontend Manager for WooCommerce”. (Topic)
FIXED: Scrolling issue with “MultivendorX”.
FIXED: Related products add to cart button icon on single product page. (Topic)
FIXED: Load Instagram image with API connect issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Enqueue compare icon style in header builder issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Frequently bought together products with 100% discount issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Show single variation with draft product variation issue. (Topic, Topic)
FIXED: WPML config file.
FIXED: Cart and checkout pages styles on Elementor Pro.
FIXED: Header banner with boxed side width wrapper. (Topic)
FIXED: My account navigation styles on Elementor Pro. (Topic)
FIXED: “YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote” plugin enqueue style issue. (Topic)
FIXED: “Show summary on hover” product hover with product rating issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Instagram duplication images issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Vertical image gallery in single product issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Output extra description for product category issue. (Topic)
FIXED: PHP errors in admin panel. (Topic)
FIXED: Elementor accordion widget. (Topic)
FIXED: Widget cart enqueue script issue. (Topic)
FIXED: AJAX shop issue.
FIXED: “WooCommerce Payments” plugin button position.
FIXED: WooCommerce hook element is empty with WPBakery Page Builder issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Compare and wishlist added products issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Linked Variations with variable product when some product has not linked attribute. (Topic)
FIXED: Show single variation with related products. (Topic)
FIXED: “Products view” element with WPBakery page builder. (Topic)
FIXED: Update wishlist table in database issue. (Topic)
IMPROVED: Output images with custom sizes for elements.
UPDATED: Google fonts list.
FIXED: Security issue.
FIXED: Frequently bought together calculation bundle products price issue.
FIXED: Page anchor in mobile menu issue.
FIXED: Quick show 2 with select default attributes.
FIXED: Frequently bought together with tax price issue.
FIXED: AJAX Search with product category issue.
FIXED: Frequently bought together element in single product builder issue.
FIXED: Wishlists Popular products issue.
FIXED: PHP errors
FIXED: Enqueue style for off canvas button element.
FIXED: Shop archive products element with WoodMart Layouts.
FIXED: Single product video in carousel with Google Tag Manager plugin issue.
FIXED: Change product image on attribute click issue.
FIXED: Product filters element issue.
FIXED: Output background image in Image hotspot element for Elementor builder.
FIXED: Products (grid or carousel) element with WoodMart Layouts.
FIXED: Quick shop on variation click issue.
FIXED: Output checkout content with WoodMart Layouts.
FIXED: PHP errors in admin panel.
FIXED: Extra menu list element for WPBakery Page Builder.
FIXED: Single product gallery with auto height option issue.
FIXED: Search by product SKU with WPML plugin issue.
FIXED: Remove product from compare list.
FIXED: Output linked product.
FIXED: Single product custom tabs issue.
FIXED: Duplicate WooCommerce structured data generation.
UPDATE: WooCommerce template.
FIXED: Output linked variation product issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Output email content issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Google social login issue. (Topic)
FIXED: Performance bug with translate. (Topic)
FIXED: Adding products in wishlist and compare list with WPML plugin issue.