* Change: For new installs, the default setting will restrict viewing and browsing resumes to employers and administrators only.
* Enhancement: Use WP Job Manager to send notifications. Settings for notifications are now in WP Admin > Resumes > Settings > Email Notifications.
* Enhancement: Improved role management for resume visibility in WP Admin > Resumes > Settings > Resume Visibility.
* Enhancement: Added setting to allow frontend editing of resumes that are pending admin approval.
* Enhancement: Added setting to require moderation for edited resumes.
* Fix: HTML entities are no longer displayed in email notification subject lines.
* Fix: Do not show application form at end of resume submission if the resume requires moderation.
* Fix: Use term `Candidate Skills` instead of `Resume Skills` in settings.
* Fix: Made it easier to customize steps during resume submission without preventing email notifications.
* Dev: Introduce new templates for email notifications.
* Dev: Moved application form at end of resume submission to a template (`resume-submitted-application-form.php`).
* Dev: Add filter (`resume_manager_redirect_url_exceeded_listing_limit`) to change where visitors are redirected when they hit their submission limit.
* Dev: Ajax handler to retrieve job listings now sends `application/json` content-type header.
* Dev: Removed `safe_mode` checks throughout plugin.