Download WP Smush Pro 3.18 from nulled fire. WP Smush Pro optimize and resize every image and speed up your site with WP Smush Pro.
New: Option to ignore images from Smushing
New: CDN support for picture element
New: Lazy load for iframes
New: Lazy load compatibility with Block Gallery plugin
New: Lazy load compatibility with CoBlocks plugin
New: smush_cdn_custom_uploads_dir filter for use with custom upload directories in CDN
New: CDN support for images in data-original attribute
Enhance: Compatibility with WP Engine
Enhance: CDN support for custom UPLOADS directories
Enhance: Max width detection with CDN auto-resize functionality
Enhance: Lazy loading image format detection
Enhance: Lazy loading compatibility with AMP
Enhance: Lazy loading compatibility with Essential Grid
Enhance: Lazy loading compatibility with JetPack
Enhance: Integration settings pages UI, summary meta box UI
Enhance: Significantly increase performance on sites with large media libraries
Enhance: Support for WordPress 4.x
Enhance: Compatibility with Oxygen Builder
Enhance: Accessibility in modals
Fix: Undefined index PHP notices
Fix: Lazy loading not properly working on Bootstrap based themes
Fix: Lazy loading exclusion rules not working with active CDN
Fix: Failed parsing srcset attribute value since its w descriptor is invalid warnings
Fix: PHP warnings for getimagesize() disabled wrapper
Fix: UI conflict with Store Locator Plus plugin
Fix: CDN incorrectly resizing cropped images
Fix: Directory Smush permissions
Fix: NextGen gallery bulk Smush functionality
Fix: Network access control settings
Fix: Resize threshold not resetting when auto-resize is disabled
New: Support for big images in WordPress 5.3
Fix: WP Offload Media integration with Pro version
Fix: CDN incorrect calculation for image sizes attribute
Fix: Undefined index PHP notices