WPMU DEV - Branda (Ultimate Branding) 3.4.17

Download WPMU DEV - Branda (Ultimate Branding) 3.4.17 from nulled fire. With Ultimate Branding you can add, remove or change WordPress branding
Add: New SMTP Logs module (Pro feature)
Add: Super admin option in the custom admin menu
Add: Compatibility with builders for Admin Bar
Add: Option to remove/change "Proudly powered by WordPress"
Add: Welcome modal with New features details
Add: Change admin menu UI
Add: Link to create or select Privacy page if default doesn't exist
Add: Improve cookie notice styling
Add: Current Site option as a new item on Custom Menu links for subsites
Fix: Admin menu customizer not listing all items
Fix: Not all of the Logo and Background settings can be copied to another module
Fix: WP 5.4 compatibility issues
Fix: Widgets -> Feeds don't save for localized installs
Fix: Reset settings section affects another section
Fix: Php notice when resetting settings
Fix: Maintenance mode slider not scrolling properly
Fix: Website Mode - multiple background images are causing a bug on UI
Fix: UI issues on Signup screen
Fix: Conflict when Login screen/password field is on
Fix: Login Screen - show/hide password's icon is not visible
Fix: Admin Menu - PHP warnings on Multisites
Fix: Conflict with WP Project Manager
Fix: DB Error Page -> Behavior -> Send alert email doesn't enable
Fix: Footer Content - Forminator user login and registration shortcodes don't parse
Fix: Media in the Admin Message doesn't accept some alignment options
Fix: Unable to copy settings
Fix: Console error on the Handwritten template preview
Fix: The Disco template image breaks the email
Fix: Default admin footer is missing after enabling Admin Footer module
Fix: Text Widgets order reverts back after saving
Fix: Cookie Notice alignment issue
Fix: Branda -> Website Mode causing API issues for subsites
Fix: Password Reset email styling
Fix: Admin menu icons don't change on subsites
Fix: Adsense code doesn't fully save into Tracking code
Fix: Email Headers functionality not working properly
Fix: Bug with Admin Tips network options
Fix: Maintenance - Wrong place for wp_head
Fix: Copy changes and typo fixes
Fix: WP 5.5 compatibility issues
Add: To improve performance, autocomplete in permissions tab disabled on large networks
Add: Added useful links to the Branda row in the WordPress plugins table
Add: New dashboard widget and Branda Pro page in free version
Fix: Email Headers functionality not working properly
Fix: Raw Html tags displayed in admin area visual tab under certain conditions
Fix: PHP warnings in text replacement module
Fix: Custom users can't be added via email in plugin permissions
Fix: Branda conflicting with white label settings of other plugins
Fix: Admin Menu module messes up Hustle icon in WP menu
Fix: Fixed misspellings of the phrase "white label"
Fix: Conflict with Easy Digital Downloads
Fix: Branda Tracking code sometimes not added immediately after <body>
Fix: Network settings link shown on main site when Branda is not active for network
Fix: Custom admin footer text not showing up in WPMU DEV plugins
Fix: Custom CSS not working for menu
Fix: Unable to delete Help Item in the Admin Area Module
Fix: Custom Admin Menu conflicts with WPMU DEV menu item when menu is collapsed
Fix: Copy changes and typo fixes
Fix: Login Screen customisations lost when updating Branda
Fix: Branda Signup Code not working with BuddyPress Registration