WPMU DEV - Hummingbird 3.7.2

Download WPMU DEV - Hummingbird 3.7.2 from nulled fire. Hummingbird zips through your site finding new ways to make it load faster,
New: Set the number of comments to preload in lazy loading module
Enhance: Clean up after uninstalling on multisite
Enhance: Remove duplicate 'wphb_page_cache_cleared' action in favour of 'wphb_clear_cache_url'
Enhance: Sanitize input fields in Configs module
Enhance: Compatibility with Weglot plugin
Fix: PHP undefined array key warnings
Fix: Fatal error when clearing cache in certain conditions
Fix: Toggling Uptime from WPMU DEV hub
Fix: Clear cache button not white labeled
Fix: Onboarding setup wizard summary layout
Fix: Onboarding setup wizard tracking option on multisite
Fix: Smush upsell block logic
Fix: Tutorials on dashboard page cannot be hidden
Fix: Duplicate users in notifications modal
Fix: Errors when offloading ES6 modules with import statements to CDN
Fix: Clear cache button (admin bar) logic on network installs
Fix: Cloudflare zone selector not working
Fix: High contrast notice in comments lazy load module
Fix: Lazy loading WooCommerce reviews
  • Fix: XSS vulnerability
New: Onboarding setup wizard
Enhance: Support for WPMU DEV Hub
Enhance: Add a unique salt when enabling Redis integration
Enhance: "How does it work" section in asset optimization module
Fix: Incorrect detection of Cloudflare APO status
Fix: Missing action buttons on Integrations page in sub sites
Fix: Page cache not clearing when caching is disabled on subsites
Fix: Duplicate ID elements on dashboard page
Fix: Inability to auto start asset optimization scan from dashboard page on free version
Fix: Remove global configs from network subsites
Fix: An invalid form control with name='cloudflare-email' is not focusable error
Fix: Documentation link in Notifications module
Fix: Translation strings
Fix: Styles for Select2 textarea elements