-New: Icons for modules on Dashboard page
-New: Summary module meta box on caching pages
-New: Retain Asset Optimization settings on recheck of files
-Enhance: Optimize stylesheets and javascript code
-Enhance: Replace plugin menu icon font with inline SVG
-Enhance: Various UI/UX improvements
-Enhance: Compression savings calculations
-Enhance: Database cleanup module to use builtin WordPress functions to clean expired transients
-Enhance: Cloudflare meta box behavior
-Enhance: Handling of individual expiry settings in Browser Caching module
-Enhance: Better sync with the Hub
-Fix: Gzip compression not properly detected on some sites
-Fix: PHP warning during cron performance report
-Fix: PHP warning after clicking on configure link on the Dashboard Advanced Tools meta box
-Fix: RTL styles in CDN will now be processed correctly
-Fix: Asset Optimization module incorrectly showing 0% savings
-Fix: Asset Optimization module include/exclude toggle not enabling Publish Changes button
-Fix: Translation strings
-Fix: Clear cache button on admin tab not working properly on some installs
- New: Page caching dynamic page types
- New: Define the path where to store optimized assets
- New: Advanced Tools now available on multisite installs
- Fix: Asset optimization error during minify process
- Fix: Remove invalid link to configure browser caching in IIS 6
- Fix: Hide clear cache notice when setting file change detection to auto
- Fix: Incorrect link on the Gzip compression and Browser caching modules
- Fix: Performance report colors, icons and buttons
- Enhance: Asset Optimization UI
- Enhance: Asset Optimization re-check expiry button functionality
- Enhance: Asset Optimization handling of root-relative URLs when using CDN
- Enhance: Asset Optimization fonts moved to Other section in the file list
- Enhance: Asset Optimization size handling of compressed assets
- Enhance: Publish changes notice is now less invasive
- Enhance: Error handling in Cloudflare module
- Enhance: Optimize performance on Caching modules
- Enhance: Prefetch DNS values are empty by default, with the ability to auto paste in recommended defaults
- Enhance: Clear cache notices will not show on subsites in a multisite network
- Enhance: Hummingbird will no longer store user selected server type and always show detected server
- New: System Information module in Advanced Tools
- Enhance: Improve caching notices
- Enhance: Remove clear cache notice in Asset Optimizztion when re-checking files
- Enhance: Asset Optimization performance improvements
- Enhance: Asset Optimization log option in multisite moved to network settings
- Fix: Performance test previous score not updated
- Fix: Links in performance reports in multisite are not always redirecting to correct page
- Fix: PHP 5.2 compatibility
- Fix: Various UI fixes and improvements
- Fix: Browser caching changes not reflected when selecting LiteSpeed server
- Fix: Asset Optimization incorrect states for some files
- Fix: CDN option changing state during a new scan
- Fix: Remove wphb_minify_clear_files cron task when Asset Optimization module is not enabled
- Fix: Warnings during ignore performance report