WPMU DEV - Hustle Pro 7.8.4

Download WPMU DEV - Hustle Pro 7.8.4 from nulled fire. Hustle has got the charm, he’s got the sass, and he’s super smooth!
New: Hook for cloning modules to a new subsite when creating it on Multisite
Enhance: Check jQuery compatibility issues for scripts
Enhance: Ability to use CSS IDs as CTA button
Fix: Integration with Mailpoet mapping fields
Fix: Display custom logo enabled in white label
Fix: Disable read more tag for TinyMCE editor
Fix: Adding custom logo in WPMU DEV White label makes some other images invisible
Fix: Network Settings link in plugin page
Fix: Fatal Error when Schedule Start Date or End Date is Set Improperly for Slide-ins
Fix: Close button checkbox is not working
Fix: Custom User Font improperly set for Form Submit Button
Fix: Resetting Appearance settings for modules created based on a template
Fix: @media styles in Custom CSS
Fix: Icon color not being applied
Fix: Libre Franklin Google Font is missed
Fix: Border radius is not applying
Fix: Mobile size is not overriding the Desktop size
Fix: Tracking disabled button showing on mobile when Tracking is enabled
Fix: Active Pop-ups counter is not updating right away when you publish/unpublish
Fix: Borders overlap the background image
Fix: Pop-ups/Slide-ins triggers inside Elementor page builder
New: Halloween template
New: Cache analytics data
New: How-to guide for visibility conditions
Enhance: Remove all cookies for GDPR compliance
Enhance: Remove subsite plugin data from DB after uninstalling the plugin on multisites
Enhance: Allow using module field values in "Submission behavior" redirect URL
Enhance: Remove spaces when you enter 3rd party credentials
Enhance: Image usage in templates
Enhance: Free to Pro upgrade
Enhance: Error handling with invalid reCaptcha keys
Enhance: Compatibility with Social Platform counters
Fix: Deprecated warnings for "block_categories" function
Fix: Missing footer menu
Fix: Popups close button background color with Twenty Twenty-One theme
Fix: Mobile custom slide-in size
Fix: Appearance > Typography > Reset button doesn't work
Fix: Never see this again link in slide-in mobile settings
Fix: Never see this again link hover and focus colors
Fix: Email address placeholder alignment
Fix: Popup compatibility with AdBlock
Fix: Embeds preview
Fix: Sub bullet point in main content
Fix: Arrow icon on Visibility page
Fix: Video Tutorials on the dashboard
Fix: z-index for datepicker on Email Lists filter
Fix: UI differences in wizard when Forminator is enabled
- New: Module templates
- Enhance: Behavior when publishing and required fields are missing
- Enhance: Display the "Visibilty after opt-in" setting for informational modules
- Enhance: Always follow the "Visibilty after opt-in" setting for external forms
- Enhance: Make the "After opt-in" behavior work with all confirmation types on AJAX Gravity Form forms
- Fix: Automated emails not being sent by ConstantContact for Hustle subscriptions
- Fix: PHP notice when subscribing to Mailchimp in some scenarios
- Fix: "Scroll to" option in triggers not being saved
- Fix: PHP notices for modules not migrated from 4.1.0
- Fix: Popup's appearance on iOS 14.3 or greater
- Fix: Missing navigation in the wizard pages for mobiles
- Fix: Inserting placeholders for the automated email's date, time, and recipient not working
- Fix: Resetting the typography options trigger error notices on reload in some cases
- Fix: Compatibility issue with ACF's time field
- Fix: Compatibility issue with Oxygen builder
- Fix: Exit intent behavior having a wrong description
- Fix: After CTA click and after submission visibility cookies expiring with the current session
- Fix: "Hide on page/post" after subscription not working on the home page when it contains the latest posts