WPMU DEV - Snapshot Pro 4.30

Download WPMU DEV - Snapshot Pro 4.30 from nulled fire. Snapshot creates full site automated and on-demand backups to both local and cloud servers.
Improve: Disable local backups email triggering and update the copy
Improve: Handle gracefully incompatibilities with the new AWS SDK
Fix: Change icon for automated backups that failed to upload
Fix: Import snapshot from directory URL and see size showing 0
Fix: Dropbox Import showing error
Improve: Update AWS SDK
Add: Add separate option to select how many snapshots will be kept on remote destination
Add: Whitelabeling Plugin based on Dashboard Plugin Settings
Fix: Unreadable files in directory causing error
Add: Specify different File Exclusions for Managed Backup and Snapshots
Fix: Can't set a backup schedule from the HUB
Add: Add notification for when there are local managed backups on site
Fix: Managed backups can't be cancelled
Improve: If a managed backup is cancelled, revert the partial backup file from the WPMU server
Fix: Fix backup downloading on hosts with low memory
Improve: Disable backup continuation
Fix: Managed restore doesn't work on WPMU DEV Hosting
Fix: Issues on WPEngine when restoring managed backup
Fix: Site broken upon activation on PHPv5.2
Fix: PHP warning in MU sites
Fix: PHP error in PHPv5.2 MU sites
Fix: PHP notice upon deactivation in PHPv5.2 sites
Fix: PHP warnings/notices on subsites with PHPv5.3
Fix: Add the Activate WPMUDEV Dashboard message when it is deactivated in MU site
Fix: Show full log button requires double click to show log
Fix: Show full log button is not working for snapshot restore wizard
Fix: Snapshot translation typos
  • Fix: WP Engine Hub-initiated managed backups
  • Fix: Backups Aren't Completing
  • Improvement: Remove activation redirection to plugin dashboard
  • Fix: Snapshot hosting issue
  • Fix: Automate re-enables scheduled backups
  • Fix: Cloud Storage Used becomes 0 after creating the backup
  • Fix: Error finalizing automatic backup in Managed Backups Log
  • Fix: Restore Full Log has some items that are not positioned properly
  • Fix: Big snapshot name breaks Dashboard
  • Improvement: Add Day header
  • Fix: Google Drive setup, blue button has no label
  • Fix: Resell links not working
  • Fix: Snapshot translation typos