WPMU DEV - Ultimate Facebook 2.8.2

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Download WPMU DEV - Ultimate Facebook 2.8.2 from nulled fire. Login with Facebook, autopost, comment mirroring, one-click registration, like and share buttons

Download WPMU DEV - Ultimate Facebook 2.8.2 from nulled fire

Login with Facebook, autopost, comment mirroring, one-click registration, like and share buttons
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Login with Facebook, autopost, comment mirroring, one-click registration, like and share buttons, open graph, use Facebook avatars, share albums, display recent Facebook activity feed and a heap of widgets.

It would take over a dozen mix-n-match plugins to get this kind of Facebook integration anywhere else.

The complete solution for seamless Facebook integration and mirrored social sharing on WordPress.

  • One plugin for every Facebook integration
  • Autofill user info with Facebook profile
  • Autopost to wall, page, event or notes
  • Facebook OpenGraph Integration
  • Login using Facebook credentials
  • Share Facebook albums

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WPMU DEV - Ultimate Facebook

(556 KB / .zip) File Size
Apanha Apanha Published By