YITH Booking and Appointment for WooCommerce Premium 5.18.0

Download YITH Booking and Appointment for WooCommerce Premium 5.18.0 from nulled fire. YITH Booking for WooCommerce was one of our most requested plugin, which is why we were able to shap
Update - YITH Booking theme 1.1.1
Update - plugin framework
Update - language files
Fix - search form issue in combination with WPML
Fix - issue when creating Bookings in Create Booking page in combination with WPML
Fix - date format in orders for hourly and per-minute booking products
Fix - integration with Multi Vendor: allow vendor to edit their own services
Fix - cancelled by customer notification
Fix - issues when searching for bookings when permalink structure is set to plain
Fix - translation issue for day/days text
Fix - month calendar issue
Fix - calendar style issue
Fix - sorting fields in Search Forms
Fix - non well formed numeric value in Search form results
Fix - allowed days in datepicker can be updated
Fix - pagination and sorting when search form results are shown in shop page
Tweak - set default people to empty in Search Forms
Tweak - fixed calendar issue
Tweak - duration unit strings to downcase
Dev - added yith_wcbk_search_form_start_date_input_data filter
Dev - added yith_wcbk_booking_product_calculated_price filter
Dev - added yith_wcbk_booking_product_get_calculated_price_html filter
Dev - added yith_wcbk_booking_product_get_price filter
Dev - added yith_wcbk_format_duration function
Dev - added yith_wcbk_booking_services_separator filter
Dev - added yith_wcbk_booking_services_html filter
Dev - added yith_wcbk_booking_services_html function
* New - support to WordPress 5
* New - search form results include booking products with time if there is at least one slot available in the selected dates
* New - possibility to hide services in Search Forms only
* New - set Geocode API key different by Google Maps API key to allow different restriction settings for the API keys
* Update - YITH Booking theme 1.1.0: support to WordPress 5 and Gutenberg, option to enable/disable product gallery in header through WP Customizer, improved style and so on...
* Update - language files
* Fix - YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote integration: display quantity for services in quotes
* Fix - issue when showing Booking Map in Quick View
* Fix - save _booking_id meta data in order items to prevent creation of multiple booking from the same order item
* Fix - display quantity for services in order item meta
* Fix - default value for timeselect
* Fix - service quantity issue for booking with 'request confirmation' option enabled
* Fix - add to cart validation for all day bookings
* Fix - error message in cart validation for max bookings per unit reached
* Fix - messages for non-available reasons
* Fix - check for bookings and booking product in cart when validating add-to-cart for max bookings per unit
* Fix - YITH Deposits integration: hide deposit form in widget when it's closed in mobile
* Fix - cache availability issue when saving global availability
* Fix - check for minimum people when checking for availability
* Fix - regenerate booking product data when booking status changes, if needed
* Fix - availability issue on translated booking products in combination with WPML
* Tweak - set order_item_id meta in bookings after creating orders for 'request confirmation' bookings
* Tweak - prevent warning with PHP 7
* Tweak - improved calendar when showing End Dates for booking with min duration set
* Tweak - fixed js issue with ECMAScript < 6
* Tweak - fixed minor issue when getting location by address with empty address
* Tweak - removed Search Form Results popup from the DOM when it's closed
* Tweak - added CSS class to duration fields based on duration type of the booking product
* Tweak - improved style
* Dev - PHPUnit Test - check for minimum people when checking for availability if 'count_persons_as_bookings' enabled
* Dev - PHPUnit Test - cost ranges
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_booking_product_create_availability_time_array_custom_time_slots filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_delete_data_for_booking_products function
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_sync_booking_product_prices function
* Dev - added yith_wck_booking_helper_count_booked_bookings_in_period_get_post_args filter
* Dev - added yith_wck_booking_helper_count_booked_bookings_in_period filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_cache_delete_{$object_type}_data action
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_cache_delete_object_data action
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_booking_product_after_regenerating_data action
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_cache_get_object_data_object_id filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_cache_get_object_data_{$object_type}_id filter
* Dev - fixed filter name 'yith_wcbk_booking_metabox_info_after_first_column'
New Support to YITH WordPress Test Environment
New Cost rule by time range
New 'Update non-available dates on loading (AJAX)' option, useful to prevent issues when using cache plugins
New Added non-available reasons in messages
New Possibility to include buffer in Time increment for hourly and per-minute booking with duration in fixed units
Fix Issue when searching for category
Fix Issue when searching for availability with types of people
Fix Integration with Request a Quote
Fix Prevent adding booking products in orders through 'Add products' box
Fix Issue with external sync
Tweak Fixed hide/show times with changing duration unit
Tweak Prevent warnings since PHP 7.1
Tweak Changed Booking name in Booking details on my account
Tweak Stored booking product location to prevent too many requests for Google places
Tweak Added 'bk-non-available-date' CSS class in datepicker
Dev Added yith_wcbk_booking_get_name filter
Dev Added yith_wcbk_logger_enabled filter
Dev Added yith_wcbk_js_people_selector_params filter